While programming our robot I struggled with three problems I coud’nt solve that are all related to ataching commands to buttens/triggers and I wondered if it is all one problem.
In all three problems it did maneged to buid right but in the driver station I saw no robot code.
The first problem occurred when I tryed to define a command group and atach it to a button action.
The second problem was when I tryed to atach two commands to the same button (one to whileHeld and one to whenRelease).
The third problem was when I tryed to define a new Trigger to the throttel of the joystick and atach to it a command whenActive.
if someone knows what am I doing wrong it would be very helpfull.
the first problem was when I added a command group to a button action.
the command group was :
public class DropAndCollect extends CommandGroup{
public DropAndCollect() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
addSequential(new DropAndCollect());
addSequential(new Collect());
the OI was :
public class OI {
public Joystick stick = new Joystick(0);
public Button] btns = new Button[11];{
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i ++){
btns* = new JoystickButton(stick, i + 1);
public OI(){
btns[0].whileHeld(new DropAndCollect());
the second problem was when trying to have 2 commands at different actions of a button (in this case I also had no communication)
OI code :
public class OI {
public Joystick stick = new Joystick(0);
public Button] btns = new Button[11];{
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i ++){
btns* = new JoystickButton(stick, i + 1);
public OI(){
btns[0].whenPressed(new DropCollector());
btns[0].whileHeld(new Collect());
the third problem was when I tried to define a trigger and run a command with it.
trigger code:
public class ThrottleTrigger extends Trigger{
public boolean get() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return Robot.oi.stick.getThrottle() > 0;
OI code:
public class OI {
public Joystick stick = new Joystick(0);
public Button] btns = new Button[11];{
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i ++){
btns* = new JoystickButton(stick, i + 1);
public ThrottleTrigger throttleTrigger = new ThrottleTrigger();
public OI(){
throttleTrigger.whenActive(new RaiseCollectorArm());
if someone knows why is that happening it will be very helpful.***
At a glance I can’t see anything wrong with your code, but here are some suggestions
If you lost communications, check your connection to the robot. Communications aren’t typically dependant on the presence of robot code (although robot code that crashes very quickly combined with auto-restart causes some problems in roboRIO responsiveness from experience)
If your robot code is crashing very quickly for some reason, the driverstation usually doesn’t have a chance to grab the log. Instead, open up an SSH session (with PuTTY on Windows and ssh on Linux, or whatever client you prefer) to “roborio-3211-frc.local” (default username is admin; password is blank [so hit enter directly on the prompt]) and use
tail -f /home/lvuser/FRC_UserProgram.log
This might allow you to catch some stack trace you’re not seeing
Try using the debugger. It will probably trigger a breakpoint on any error, so this might also allow you to see if anything’s causing a crash