Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to create a drive subsystem and use it in timed robot. The code also has drive function in timed robot that uses the same motors to drive in teleop.
I suggest you take a look at this example from WPILib. The Drivetrain class does not extend the SubsystemBase class specifically (I might be wrong, but I think it would make no effect in a Timed Robot to extend the SubsystemBase class), but it keeps the same idea as a subsystem of modularizing the code.
I strongly suggest you consider using the command-based framework unless you have a very compelling reason not to. At this point it is substantially easier to use than a raw TimedRobot even for simple tasks - you do not need to expand your code into a large object-oriented hierarchy to use it anymore, you can just write commands more-or-less as if they’re ordinary methods.
This is our 2023 season code. We used TimedRobot with our own custom Swerve drivetrain code. Really the main drivetrain update function is called in OI (operator input - where we handle joystick inputs). One thing we lacked was a robust autonomous movement and that was because we just didn’t have time to adapt a common path-planning solution (like PathPlanner) in time for our competitions - however we are now working on that! Let me know if you have questions!