So we used the Simple Robot Template this year for the programming of our robot. It works, but it’s not the best way to code, especially when your expecting a few new members on the programming team. I’ve tried to port our code to use the Command Pattern, but I’m not sure how to structure it.
So, I’ve come for some help. How do you guys structure your command-based programs?
Looking at the other frameworks I have used before (not robotics related). It’s not quite that powerful, in my option.
Also, I have looked at those docs. The “Converting a Simple Autonomous program to a Command based autonomous program” seems new, so I’ll have a look at that. The things is though, I’m looking for advice on general program structure, not on making commands, command groups, and subsystems.
If you’re mainly interested in the structure of the program, then check out our (unfinished) code for this year. The structure is all there, even though it’s only about 85% done.
I’m actually kind of proud of it, since last year was pretty disorganized.