Communication error

When we first set up the control system (we are a veteran team and are using our old board right now,) we noticed the communications glitched a couple times. The communications would stop and resume as before. We ignored it, thinking it is a dashboard problem (and decided to investigate later if I have time.)

Now, when we powered up our robot for the first time today (it previously ran fine,) we started to move, then it happened again. This time, we noticed the status light was off and the robot’s communication did not resume.

We then rebooted it, and I noticed the blinking lights on the bridge (cRio’s radio) were not quite regular, they paused once in a while (it appeared randomly, every couple seconds.) I unplugged the status light for this, so it couldn’t influence my perception of its blinking.

We are using Java (already using our own code for a four-CIM drivetrain.) (Hmm, I just thought about power consumption, but we were only using about 30% input on the joysticks, and yesterday we were going full out.)

What is causing these problems? We don’t want to drive again until we know what’s happening.

Thank you,
team 957’s programmer.

Please be more explicit… what exactly do you mean by “using our old board right now”?

Are you using the classmate driver station? Are you running any dashboard software? Are you using the camera? Is your battery fully charged?

We pulled our 2009 control system off of our old robot (cRio, Victors, etc…) and used that board on the robot. We are using the Classmate PC (with both updates applied,) our old router, a programming laptop (the same one as from 2009 and the beta test,) and the router from 2009.

The dashboard was running on the Classmate, along with its driver station. We did not have the Axis camera connected, and the battery was fully charged.

Thanks for your help – I just found out we’ll be demoing the robot tomorrow at a Cub Scouts event (I will have to get it working again tonight, and slow it down for the small area we are allowed.)

It sounds like you have a loose power connection to the wireless bridge on your robot. Check it at both ends or replace the wiring.

I’ll check that – although I’m wondering why the light wasn’t blinking. That, however, may have been a loose connection.

Maybe something shifted and hit both power cables at once, causing this error.

Thank you,
Ryan Van Why.

Well, our connections from the battery to the power distribution board were loose. Now that we’ve tightened them, it seems to work (out testing isn’t extensive, however.)

We are getting a status light blink-display when enabled. Normally, when enabled, the light should be continuously on. Instead, we are getting a long-on, then short-off blink code, like:

 on - off - on - off - on

Anyone know off the top of their head what this means? I will look for it later, if not.

Thank you.

Great! I thought it indicated an abnormal condition.

I like that it’s blinking in teleop this year – most people don’t notice the robot. A think I need a horn for the robot.

We’re still have communications glitches, they put the robot into disabled mode (I haven’t seen if they do anything to autonomous.) Also, I heard that Oregon City Robotics (2550, I believe) is also having communications trouble. I’ll wait for updates to come out – our main problem has been fixed, so we’re ready to demo the robot.

Thank you.