Comparing shooters

My team is considering using a hooded vertical wheel shooter or a dual horizontal wheel shooter. Which would you consider better and why. Thanks!

A hooded shooter will make the ball have backspin which helps make sure the ball doesn’t bounce out of the target. Welcome to Chief Delphi BTW

Thank you. Thats one of the points I am using for the hooded shooter as I hope that the backspin would increase the amount of shots made of the dual horizonatal wheel shooter as less balls should bounce out.

Backspin shooters also force the air that balls break underneath them, meaning your power cells will fly farther than those with topspin or horizontal shooters of the same power.

Handy for 2/3 court shots :wink:


A dual horizontal shooter with two motors can be tuned so that the top motor is slower and gives a backspin, no?

Who is to say you can’t have dual side wheels and a hood?

The hood is only used to force the ball against the bottom flywheel, putting a hood on top, though possible, wouldn’t likely serve any useful purpose, or at least none that I can think of.

With sufficient compression it ensures backspin, which is often desirable when firing a ball towards a goal. Apologies if I’ve misunderstood the idea here.

No thats actually a fairly helpfull answer thank you

But with the top bar being dynamic the backspin must be modified with differing motor speeds, the backspin is caused by, technically, a zero speed top bar(hood). Adding a top mounted motor, the only way to cause backspin is by changing the speeds of the motors, which can produce the same backspin with higher power on each motor.

So would you say that a hooded shooter would be more usefull as the backspin would help keep the ball from bouncing out?

Yes, but it’s not just bouncing out, the backspin also creates a flatter arc and more accuracy because it is less susceptible to outside motion. Backspin adds energy to keep the ball stable.

So that would be a more accurate shooter then a two wheel horizonatal shooter without the backspin?

Correct, I don’t see the potential in a two wheel horizontal to be able to be as accurate, though you could design the ball to curve in the air which would be cool.

I would suggest prototyping both and seeing which fits your robot best. We’re doing testing of both and will decide after we’ve figured out which gives the most consistent long rang shots.

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