The other day we were playing around wiht the old 2002 robot and it kept doing this off and on thign and for the longest time its been doing that. after further experiimentation we determined it was the radio that was broken. but we can prove it unitl we replace the radio
The question is :
does anyone know if the 2003 radios are compatible with the 2002 robot controller and operator interface?
since our 2003 radios are fine and dandy they should prove that the 2002 radios are the problem
or does anyone know how to verify if they are working in some other way?
oh yes indeed but the battery have always been good on it and since the very first days of the robot working when we built it its been that way but we never gave the radios working a second thought but now we have.
i did paln to use both and use the set thats why i was wondering if anyone knew the real answer before i start removing cables (its alot of work on our robot)
How did you determine that the radios were at fault?
But if it is the radios, do what Ken said and check the cables. Better yet, get two brand new serial cables for your radios. they were messed up for my team too.
During the 2003 season, we were fiddling with the radios, and we found that the 2003 radio transmitter can communicate with the 2002 and 2001 receivers. We never tested the radios the other way around, but that is the magic that we found.
Hey i just went ahead and did it i changed the radios and swithc them from 2002 radios (both) to a 2003 system and 2003 radios to a 2002 system and both robots im ahppy to report run very well just for all of those who were wanting to also know
Yea, we’ve used every possible combination of Robot Controller, Operator Interface, and radio from the last three years and all are perfectly compatible (except the “disabled” light doesn’t blink in autonomous mode on any OI except the 2003 model).