FIRST Mid Atlantic District Events have open slots (for now) and would love to invite out of district teams to come and compete at our house.
If you can be assigned to the Bensalem District Event our STEM Ambassadors would be happy to help coordinate group hotel rates, team meals, storage, and any other logistics to help your team. We are located convenient to I-95 and I-276 just outside Philadelphia, and you could extend your stay for an educational trip around the cradle of liberty!
FMA is home to several world champs and hall of fame teams, come and compete against some of the best!
A district team can compete in another district (“inter-district registration”), but a regional (i.e. non-district) team cannot compete in any district events?
We have a HS team and 13 FLL/FTC teams across the district, at least one at each school. And for the first time this year we are hosting an FLL Qualifier!!!
I see you are a NC District team–so you compete against my favorite out of District team 3229!