Does anyone have a single-download source for a complete CAD library of every VexPro part? This would be really useful. I’m hoping for one big zip file, with everything arranged by part number, or perhaps by product line. Thanks.
I know it’s not a CAD library for all vexpro parts but here are step files for a good amount of COTS parts commonly used on FRC robots.
It’s not every part, and it includes parts from other places, but this is a link to the zipped folder of the part library I created this summer:
It should have all wheels, hubs, gears, sprockets, pulleys, bearings, shaft collars, spacers, and electronic parts. It doesn’t have the 775pro, most gearboxes (only has versaplanetary + BAG combinations), or any of the versaframe line. It also has parts from Andymark and other places (mostly wheels and pistons). It’s sorted into folders by categories though, and part numbers / supplier names are in the part names, so it shouldn’t take too long to pick out vexpro parts.
It only includes solidworks files though. I think everything was created with 2014.
How about the link towards the right hand side of this page?
Most are in the Bit Buckets CAD Library.
Sweet, it does exist! Thanks!
We at OnyxTronix #2231 created the FRC CAD Library with all the parts from vex pro, wcp, rev and most of the parts from andymark.