Comprehensive help for camera code

for(UINT32 x = 0; x < particles->size(); x++)
ParticleAnalysisReport& par = (*particles)[x];
if(par.center_mass_x_normalized > 0)
if(par.center_mass_x_normalized < 0)

This is a part of an example of tracking code.
I do not understand the purpose of the for, or why (*particles)[x] isn’t just (*particles)
Is particles->size(); returning the number of particles or something? If so, wouldn’t the code make the robot cycle through aiming at the different targets?

It would indeed attempt to drive towards each particle in turn. I forget if I posted that particular code snippet, but what you’d probably want would be something like this, where you select a favourite particle. For example, here’s code that selects the biggest particle:

ParticleAnalysisReport biggest = {0};
for(UINT32 x = 0; x < particles->size(); x++)
  ParticleAnalysisReport& par = (*particles)[x];
  if(par.particleArea > biggest.particleArea) // particleArea may not be the right member... I'm going from memory.
    biggest = par;
if(biggest .center_mass_x_normalized > 0)
if(biggest .center_mass_x_normalized < 0)

Of course, you may not want to drive towards the biggest particle, but rather the most backboard-shaped particle…

For your syntax question:
particles is a pointer to a vector<ParticleAnalysisReport>. Therefore, to call member functions on it like size(), you need to use the arrow operator. To call the square-bracket operator, you need to indirect it using the * first to get yourself a non-pointer vector<ParticleAnalysisReport>.

particles->size() tells you how many particles there are in the list of particles.