Compressor doesnt stop

Our bleeder starts popping at around 110 psi, and our compressor doesn’t stop before it releases air like that.

this is our code.

we use a viair 90c compressor.
we have both an analog pressure switch and digital pressure switch, but because we are using a ctre pcm we only really use the digital one.

no ferrules are popping out from our pcm, so i dont know why our pressure switch isnt functioning properly.

You should buy a new relief valve (they’re still <$6). It should not be opening at such a low pressure.

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we had a new one, so we used it.
Now it goes up to 120, but compressor doesnt stop.

Is there an air tank in the system?

Great, but it still may not be high enough compared to the setpoint of your pressure switch. Note our team’s pressure switches activate at a range of pressures 113-122 psig.

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can we change the setpoint of the digital switch? or is it random?

I just noticed that your relief valve is before the check valve for the compressor, it shouldn’t be set up like that. Is there anything else between the compressor and the pressure switch?

there are two tanks and a way for the switch, and that’s about it.

It sounds like your pressure switch is on the low “working” pressure side of your air system.

The secret to this problem is where the over pressure valve is located as pointed out above. The Pressure relief valve needs to be down stream of the check valve (the silver part with the big arrow on it). Where it is located the pulse of the compressor piston coming up will open the valve. When it opens the pressure switch will not respond accurately. Please move it and try operation. Let us know if you are still having problems.

i fixed it now.

so now it is check valve → elbow (splits to tank and pressure switch) → release valve

now the release valve stands up to around 121~122 ish.

however, the compressor still doesnt stop.

Make sure the compressor goes to the compressor port on the Pneumatic Hub/PCM.

The pressure switch is “normally closed.” Here’s a test: start it up, wait for the compressor to turn on, then disconnect the pressure switch. If the compressor doesn’t immediately turn off, then there’s something wrong someplace electrical. (which is why I suggested looking where the other end of the compressor wires go.)

That look correct now.

Try moving the switch as close as possible to the compressor in the plumbing.
If you have a different switch you could maybe try that as well.

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this worked!

For future visitors: The pressure relief valve is adjustable. Adjust it for 125 PSI.

The particular relief valve that OP is using is not adjustable, it is factory set. You’re right that this one needs to be adjusted for 125 psi though.


Ah, correct and thank you!

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