So our team just finished building a t-shirt cannon, but the problem is that we seem to be getting our compressors really hot. we mounded fans over them to cool them down as seen in some of the pictures that I posted up, but I am wondering if there is any kind of heat sink that can be purchased to allow more heat dissipation?
The Kit compressors should be able to run continuosly without over heating if installed properly. It is normal for the area around the top of the cylinder to get warm, but it should not be too hot.
If it is the motor area that is hot then you probably have the wiring hooked up backwards. The compressor will run in this condition and produce compressed air. But it will be very inefficient and all that misdirected energy turns into heat.
In 2008 397 was running compressors almost continuously for 30 minutes at a time (in practice). We didn’t have major problems but decided that it was better safe than sorry and mounted the heat sink to a CPU on it using Thermal Paste. The upside, more thermal mass to heat and more surface area for the air to cool. The downside, those things are sharp and bad when you reach into the robot blind and catch your hand on it. However, we never actually took temperature readings with and without the heat sink and therefore cannot give you definitive answers on its effectiveness.
Thank you all, we have really never uses the pneumatics before so we didn’t know if it was bad that they are getting hot. we might try the heat sink idea, but will leave it for now!
As far as the compressor heating up, that’s normal. The very act of compressing the air generates heat (canned air being released and crazy cold is the opposite). I’ve known compressors to get hot enough to melt hot glue. not really a specific temperature, but that’s what I had laying around. If you’re concerned with this high temperature melting wires or plastic, use a heatsink from a CPU on the top. Other than that, the heat won’t cause any problems as it’s the compressing piston heating up and not the motor.
In 2008 we had 12 pneumatic cylinders and 4 air tanks and the compressor would run constantly during out practice sessions, and it would become quite warm. However, I second what Chris said about it running backwards. If it is, it will become burning hot rather quickly.