Conceptual question about manually driving while using autoalign

If the robot is using something to autoalign with an object (like the speaker) and the driver is driving (to avoid defense for example) will they be fighting against each other if used at the same time? Do you give one priority? Can you use autoalign and manually drive at the same time? Hope this question makes sense.

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At 3630, we use command based programming, and as a result our commands would not fight each other. In this scenario, we would have a button on our controller dedicated to auto-align driving (which would only control the rotation of the robot). If the driver deems it necessary to avoid defense, we would just let go of the auto-align button and re-engage it when necessary.


You could also have the driver input “override” the autoalign input. If your joystick input is non zero you use the joystick input.

What kind of drivetrain are you using?

If you’re using swerve (or some other omnidirectional drivetrain type), you can continue to take input from the driver for strafing in your auto-align command (to translate the robot), but have the auto align only take over the rotation. So the driver can continue to drive around and avoid things, but the command is controlling the robot’s rotation and keeps it aimed at the desired target.


+1, also useful to make your driver have to take their thumb away from the turning joystick in order to press the auto align button. Helps reinforce that auto align buttons == no manual steering

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I’ve usually just used one of the bumper buttons or triggers, since it’s marginally faster to press. Also it’s usually the “shoot” button in games. Also the driver is ready to take over rotation as soon as the shoot button is released (the shoot button also auto-aligns).