Thread title pretty much says it all.
Are there any new districts confirmed for the 2015 season?
Thread title pretty much says it all.
Are there any new districts confirmed for the 2015 season?
I am really curious about CA… I have heard to many rumors.
The prevalent rumor in this area seems to be pushed back a year, can’t find venues. Needless to say, I’d love for this rumor to be wrong.
Jim Beck explicitly said at SVR that regionals would continue for 2015.
Yup. As said before me, Jim Beck stated that there would be a 7th regional added for next year (new one in Santa Barbara) and that CA would go to a “qualifier” system in 2016. We don’t know the details yet though, but CA is confirmed to NOT be a district in 2015.
I’ve heard that a major issue is finding volunteers as well. And the area of the state. And that we’d need to probably double the number of events in the state to take on the extra events teams will be getting.
I’m almost wondering if we need to jump over the whole CA district system straight to NorCal SoCal districts like we all know needs to happen eventually. Might be more manageable to switch in smaller chunks. But it’s really too bD this keeps getting pushed back, I’m looking forward to district play.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, creeps this petty pace from year to year…
I heard this from Jim, but at CMP I heard also that FIRST did not wanna add another regional but again all down the grape vine. Though it does seem likely we got another year with regionals.
I think there are more issues than what is being communicated at this point.
I know one issue is whether or not they allow other neighboring states to join such as New Mexico, Nevada, Hawaii, etc.
And not directly related, but having some impact are the increase no. of teams in the Pan Pacific doing FIRST.
Australia is supposed to have a regional in 2015 and talks about a “super-regional” in Hawaii.
CA is too large for them to include neighboring states in the CA district and at this time FIRST really, really wants to draw district lines along state lines to make things easier. (They wouldn’t allow N ID teams join the PNW district despite for some of those teams having to travel farther to the nearest Regional than for some of the farthest PNW District event) Yes MAR doesn’t follow state lines. However the long term plan is to have the vast majority of the country in the District system and to allow inter-district play.
Allowing certain neighboring states is the direct message talked about at CMPS. I was asked my opinion on the matter both there and previously at other events.
On the flip side, because CA is too large of an area to have a district, it adds to the difficulty in trying to implement as well, which was also discussed.
Everyone keeps saying that Cali/Texas are too large to run districts, but I don’t understand this claim.
The whole reason why districts work better is because (besides giving teams double the guaranteed playing time for the same cost) they make the competitions more local. (In the case of MI) Instead of having 4-5 regional locations to choose from in the state (era 2008), now we have 15 district! More events = less drive distance. For my team specifically, our drive distances were 15 minutes away and 1.25 hours away. Not bad at all.
Yes, the State Championship could possibly pose the travel problem. So just locate it in the center of the state?? Like Oregon/Washington did. Plus, nobody’s forcing you to go to the State Championship if you specifically can’t afford it. If your team budget allows for one event, well now you get two for the same price.
I guess I can understand the whole lack-of-volunteers problem; not every region is blessed with enough volunteer peeps to cover the need.
Of course, you can require teams to provide X volunteers.
VA, DC, and MD will not be going to the district model next year. Hopefully 2016 though.
When MAR went districts, I thought that would be the case of our team. Two districts and that’s it, regardless of our performance and an invitation to MAR cmp. The MAR grant system has been a godsend though. I’m not sure of how it works internally, but their goal is to get every team that qualifies for MAR CMP to MAR CMP through the “MAR wallet” (it even has a twitter account) and it works. I couldn’t be more thankful.
Michigan’s CMP is free for teams I hear, but it could be wrong.
My point here is there are ways around this issue if the district leaders look into it enough.
Can students be volunteers? Just as a general question–I remember doing field reset somewhere (it may have been offseason) as an unofficial job, because they were short on people.
I’ve heard rumblings that an Indiana-Illinois district system was confirmed, which was why so many Indiana teams flew out to distant regionals this year. I’m about 80% certain of this, but could someone with more knowledge confirm?
There are positions students can do, such as field reset, safety glasses handing out etc. However, positions like MC, GA, Judging, Ref, Inspectors, they cannot.
California regionals already suffer from not having enough volunteers. I am extremely worried about even more burn out if California goes districts.
Michigan’s CMP is free for teams I hear, but it could wrong.
Not free. Absolutely not free.
The story I heard is that the MSC people wanted to make it free, as it would be supported by sponsors, etc, but FIRST makes them charge the registration fee.
Every MI team is “required” to provide 2 volunteers per year (not much of a requirement / more like a strong suggestion, but many provide more than two anyway, and alot of people are repeat offenders).
Word on the street is that the MSC could have been free (and FiM wanted it to be free), but Headquarters in NH required the the additional event fee to participate at the State Championship. FiM also wanted outside teams to be able to participate in disctrict events, but again Headquarters said no.
There’s some paper posted here on CD about how districts came into fruition and why they work the way they do, but I’m much too lazy to go looking for it.
Absolutely! There are MANY jobs that students can do at each event.