Woot! Thank you NASA!
(Jumping up and down)
Congrats to Greg Needel and Team DeWalt XD
Congrats to all who got the grants. I hope you all remember to say thank you for what you were given.
Congratulations to my former team, Team 696 the Circuit Breakers. You are an outstanding group of folks with a great team! I wish you a most successful year!
Congrats to all that applied … and thank you NASA for the opportunity to apply. Rookies with grants - don’t forget you need to meet criteria (like Chairman’s Award documentation) if you plan to apply next year for NASA funds.
…and in reading the details at the award page:
“As part of the grant award, NASA will cover shipping expenses for the 2009 FRC control system to be shipped to all NASA-sponsored teams prior to the season kick-off. FIRST has been requested to send the FRC control system to each grant award team, at NASA expense, unless you specifically inform NASA and FIRST that you do NOT want to receive it.”
Classy move NASA. Taking on the extra expense to make sure all recipients that want/need early controls shipment get it is a very, very nice touch. If you have not yet written your thank you for the opportunity to apply (that means even if you DIDN"T receive a grant, a thanks is in order too), please send one asap!
Woo! Congrats, Mr. H You’re off to a good start this year!
Make us proud in NY with that grant, got it?
Thank you NASA.
Team 2468 considers itself in such great company in looking at the teams who also qualified.
To Mr. Dave Lavery and NASA,
Our team humbly accepts this award and will gladly fulfill the requirements as specified in the grant.
-Hawaiian Kids Team 359
Thank You NASA!
WOW, we are extremely surprised and grateful we received a grant.
Team 234 says “THANK YOU”!
We are excited to put “NASA” on our robot!
And congrats to Team 45 - It will be an “Indiana Invasion”
It seems quite a few 3+ year vet teams received program growth grants this year relative to last year. I won’t venture a guess as to why this is the case, but it does underscore the fact that it doesn’t hurt to apply if you are a veteran team - you may be rewarded for your effort.
Congratulations to NEOFRA rookie Teams 2835, Liberty High School (one of 3 such “Liberty” teams receiving grants this year) and 2901, Maplewood High School on being selected as grant recipients! And thank you, NASA!
We are on the wait list, but it seems pretty DEEP…
Thank you NASA! from Team 1501. A time when we are struggling the most. Thanks Mr. Lavery and NASA. We can’t thank you enough.
Definitely big props to NASA, thanks!
Especially in a year when it is needed the most. Things are tough right now, and NASA coming through with such a large number of grants is a huge boost for all the teams that received them.
You can stop freaking out on Twitter now, eh?
Just a general reminder to those saying “thank you” here.
Don’t forget to send a more formal thanks to:
Dr. James Green at this address…
and, although I’m sure Dave will never say it, a note to the two who lead the entire Robotics Alliance Project is probably in order too:
Bring it on!
A big thanks to NASA! I’ll pass the official ‘thank you’ avenues on to the DC Rookies tonight.
Congratulations from Team 768 to everyone who got rookie and continuing grants! We look forward to seeing you at competitions