Congrats/Sorry for jinxing you 968, 233, 60

I had you guys pegged as the alliance to beat (at least 968/233…the addition of 60 just made it a sure thing in my mind) from the time divisions came out. You guys were absolutely incredible.
All 3 of you deserve a Gold Championship Winners medal. For the past few years 968 and 233 have been 2 of the top teams in the World. 60 has been no slouch either in their history.

I expect nothing but the best from all 3 of you next year. You guys are all truly awesome.
For those of you who don’t know me, I am not one to openly praise teams too easily/too often…but these teams are ones that deserve it.

Congrats for a deserved Newton Winner banner…good luck on getting that Championship Winner banner sooner rather than later.

ps. Hey 968…Where’s my shirt from 06 :-p

1114, 217 and 148 was a monster of an alliance and the fact that anyone thought we had a chance really is a great compliment, so thank you for that. Just getting to Einstein was an amazing experience and is a credit to our great partners who made it possible.

So don’t worry about jinxing us, we had a great year, but if you really feel bad about it, root for us next year!

When I saw the four division winners and saw that 968 and 233 were alliance partners, along with the also very good team 60, I really thought you guys would have a good chance of beating that monstrously epic Galileo alliance, and I think you guys almost did so. Team 968 (and 254) has one of my favorite robot designs of the year.

You guys had such a smooth mechanism and amazing hurdling capability. When I saw Pink’s robot in the pits at Atlanta I was blown away by how well engineered it was, and seeing it in action throughout the year let me know they were a force to be reckoned with.

Congratulations on the very well deserved Newton banner, and thank you for some of the most entertaining matches I’ve seen all year. Overdrive is not my favorite of the games I’ve participated in, but you guys certainly brought out the best in it.

Thanks for the kind words. We had them beat in the first match. We had them outscored by a good margin in the second match, but penalties ultimately caused us a loss. We would have liked the win it all, but you can’t win by committing penalties on the other team and not being called on it. We’re just happy 1114, 217, and 148 won so we can say that we lost to the winners.

Our partners were fantastic. While we were amidst a field of excellent robots, no other two robots could have done what these did. 233’s machine is a true work of art. No detail left unattended. Every piece is of remarkable fit, finish, and quality. Team 60’s driver was one of the best I’ve ever seen in first. Major thanks to everyone for providing some of the best matches ever in FIRST.