Congratulations to Team RUSH - 27 for the 204 Championship Chairman’s Award. Awesome program, awesome team, well deserved honor.
Congratulations - Proud to have played with Team Rush in Duluth, MN in 2013.
Congratulations! After working with your students on portions of the FIRST Fundraising Toolkit I really realized how powerful your program is. Totally deserved!
A huge congrats to 27 and their Chairman’s win! I had the pleasure of presenting their Chairman’s award at Northern Lights this year and I was very confident that they were going to be on the top of the list. Amazing presentation, amazing video, amazing team that is Rock Solid!
Fantastic job Team Rush
Congrats team 27! Great program very much deserved!
Link to video
Definitely benefited from the resources that Rush publishes. Congratulations to a well-deserving team!
Congratulations to 27! Your are such an awesome team and it was amazing working with you at DC last year! You definitely deserved it!
As a side note, it was cool to see I was in their chairmans video.
This was a great season for RUSH. 12 points away from playing on Einstein, an MSC win, and of course the CCA.
I’m more proud than ever to say that I’m a RUSH alumni!
Definitely a well deserved induction, great to see your kids and your program recognized. Also glad I got to see your video this time around after missing it at Northern Lights.
Go Rush!
Team RUSH,
You are truly one of the class acts in FIRST both on and off the field. I have admired your team for years and no team in FIRST is more deserving of this honor.
Congrats team rush, its great to see our alliance partners win chairmans.
Congrats to Team Rush. We are proud your influence goes far beyond the FIRST family.
Way to go RUSH. Such an amazing. Thank you so much for all that you do.
On behalf of Team RUSH 27, I would like to say thank you for all the teams that were rooting for us and everyone who cheered. We are incredibly honored and excited that so many teams have benefited from the resources we put so much time into creating.
Driving home from St. Louis this morning, I was listening to public radio. They did a short news piece about the FIRST Championship, including a sound bite from a Team Rush student. The message was about bringing science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities to students everywhere.
In that news piece, Rush was described as “the winning team.” My immediate thought was, they got that right.
NPR may not make the message loud, but they do make it clear.
A HUGE congratulations to RUSH. I’m proud to see another Michigan team in the Hall of Fame.
Also, how fitting that this is your 27th post. :rolleyes:
A huge congratulations to RUSH - this was a long time coming and very much deserved! You guys have a tremendous team. I am proud to say that I got my start in FIRST Robotics with RUSH - so many of the lessons I learned in my 4 years with you have been rooted into my team.
Congrats to TEAM RUSH!
A well-deserved thanks for all you’ve been doing for so long.
Your video was awesome, a highlight in an incredible celebration of FIRST!
Craig, my 4 years on RUSH changed my life too, I wouldn’t be who I was without them (and you)
Congrats Team RUSH.