Congrats to Jim Zondag, GLR WFA Winner

Congrats to Jim Zondag, who was awarded the 2008 Great Lakes Regional Woodie FLowers Award earlier today!

There has been nobody else from any other team that has helped me and our team(s) more throughout my years at FIRST than Jim.

It is so nice when good things happen to good people, and Jim certainly is good people.


Jay TenBrink

Congratulations, it is certainly well overdue. A lot of people I talked too actually thought you had already won it before, we just took it for granted that someone like you must have won the WFA at some point.

I know you’ve helped our team, and many others, with many different programming issues especially. Congrats again, and thank you for your dedication to FIRST.

I want to congratulate our incredible mentor Jim Zondag, and, more importantly, thank him for his many years of dedication to our team. He has touched so many lives, it is fantastic that he should recieve this incredible honor.
Thank you Jim, we love you!

So thrilled to see that on the pit monitor, I was jumping up and down with 3’s on each hand! There is no one for whom Jim will not go past the edge of reasonable help for. I sure as he…ck hope that you bring this home in Atlanta Jim, you are definitely at the caliber of the other Champ WFA’s that I know, and deserve to be recognized as such!

Congrats to Jim Zondag on a very well earned and overdue honor. Jim is one of the best mentors in FIRST.

Agreed 100%

ditto to all you guys as a four year member of our team Jim has helped me with everything from homework to college admissions essays to robot design methods. I’ve seen him touch so many lives, and do so much not just for our team, but for FIRST in general truly pouring his heart and soul into this program. Thanks for everything Jim and congratulations!

Congratulations Jim.
We can only guess at your level of excitement

(since you hide your emotions so well … :wink: )

Add our team’s congratulations as well. Its well deserved.

I couldn’t have said it better!!!


Team 1718 would like to congratulate Jim for winning WFA. And we look forward to working with you in the future!!!

I’m sorry we had to leave early and missed it in person. I saw it on the Awards page on the FIRST site later on.

Congrats Jim, and don’t stop doing all you do inside and outside of FIRST.

Now, if we could just get him to calm down a little … naaw!

Congratulations to Jim Zondag, I spent 1/2 the weekend talking to the Killer Bees, because our pits were so close, and I can truly say that he is one of the most deserving mentors of the WFA. I’m rooting for him (and of course Anthony Lapp because he’s our mentor) in Atlanta.

You should have seen the 4 Championship WFA winners that were on hand to present the award doing the “Zondag Victory Jump” with fist clenched, arms raised over their heads, as Jim was shaking hands with the judges. It was priceless. Long overdue, congratulations Jim.

Congrats, Jim! So long overdue. Your excitement and passion has always been a defining part of FIRST for me. The first time I met you on the field oh so many years ago was a treat - and its great to see your continued enthusiasm finally recognized =)

Congratulations Jimmy! I wish I would have been there to see your win. See you soon.

I was upset about missing GLR already, but knowing that I missed this scene makes me even more upset.

Congratulations, Jim!!

From the kickoff programming seminars to talking yourself hoarse about FIRST at the YES! Expo to your endless help and support in the pits to other teams, thank you and congratulations!

Great job Jim you have been a role model to all of us, Good luck in atlanta

I’m really sorry I wasn’t there to see the ceremony or say “congratulations” in person. Congratulations, Jim! Well deserved.