Congrats to this year's champions: 330 2481 120 1086

It was a tight finish and all credit goes to them!

Absolutely fantastic finish, some great matches on einstein, and congrats to our champions. 2056 was THAT close.

What are the odds that ties get replayed next year?

IIRC, ties in eliminations were replayed until 2010. Breakaway had so many ties, causing eliminations to take too long. Ties have not been nearly as common as that year ever since.

Has any Einstein ever been this close?

330 unflipping itself twice to make it to the finals has to be one of the most memorable events in Einstein history.

I alwayd felt that ties in elims should get replayed. Wouldn’t suprise me if the rule changes next year as a result of this.

Team 330 is my new favorite team in FIRST.

What was the deciding tiebreaker?

Honestly having a tie go to foul points is a pretty unsatisfying end. I hope we have a rule next year or something that the championship winner can’t be decided on a tie (i.e. ties in Einstein finals get replayed). Congrats the winners anyways though, great showing by both sides.

330’s alliance played the cleaner match (least foul points), so they got the win.

They were tied so they went to penalties and that gave the red alliance the victory.

I was unsure of what the foul was for? Was there an official ruling for what the foul was called for?

Congrats Carver team! Feel really bad for 2056 - thought this would be the year that they break both streaks. But great matches played by both sides, and you couldn’t ask for a closer match! Great Einstein to watch!

Totally agreed. Especially with these 2 evenly matched alliances a 4th match to break the tie would have been incredible.

Congrats to both alliances in making the last real Championship one to remember.

Congratulations to the final eight teams, I agree it is unsatisfying to decide the winners on foul points. I hope next year a rule change comes into effect where another tie breaker match occurs. None the less, I congratulate Teams 330, 2481, 120, and 1086 on their 2016 Championship. Enjoy.


Major congrats to the winning alliance members! This years matches were some of the most exciting in FIRST history.

Definitely! My highlight was 254 pushing an e-stopped robot to cap the tower in quals on Newton.

This is what I want to know to, if anyone has the information can you please let us know??

Can someone clarify OP’s fouls during the final matches? I was told that they were rolling balls over a defense. Can someone explain?

Congrats on the winning alliance though. Absolutely incredible finals.

From what I heard it was not backing up enough after pinning.

Anyway, congrats to 330, 2481, 120, and 1086!

Probably more likely 1405 accidentally hitting someone in the outerworks.

Nonetheless 1405 was brilliant with their defending skills!