Congratulations to Cheesy Poofs 2004 Chairmans award winner!

I would like to personally congratulate team 254 the cheesy poofs for winning the national chairmans award winner. They really deserve this award, the amount of support this team gives to the community is exceptional and outstanding in mentoring, design and engineering. Congrats once again on this prestegious award and the season!
Akshay Dodeja
Team 115

Kudos to Team 254 and thanks for posting their terrific winning entry on their website. An amazing team effort.

Good job, folks :slight_smile:

Congratulations! And a most wonderful entry.

:: behold the power of cheese ::

Welcome to the Hall of Fame Team 254! It was a pleasure meeting some of you at the wrap party tonight. Congratulations and we look forward to your Hall of Fame contributions.

Congratulations 254 !! GOOD JOB!!

I met 254 for the first time on archimedes (they were watching matches) and they are a great group of people. Congratulations 254!!

Congrats to ALL the Chairman’s finalists, and the winner Cheesy Poofs. Jason Morella and team really deserve it.

Congrats guys, I’m looking forward to seeing your video at nat’ls next year!

Congrats!!! You guys are awesome and have a wonderful team and I was so happy to hear you won!!! :smiley:

I had a feeling you guys were going to win it all along :slight_smile: Great job, you really truly deserved it :]

Congratulations guys!
(you can set up your spot in the Hall of Fame next to Cybersonic on the end over there :wink: ).

There is nothing more I can say that no one else has already said… They are a great team with a great robot… Congrats!!!

Just read the winning entry. I’m blown away. No wonder they won. Amazing team, Congratulations!

Ditto on the congrats from Team 25. The Poofs have always been well known to us and are certainly deserving.


Congrats to the Cheesy Poofs. These guys and gals are truly a class act. From 2000 miles away, they have helped our team in countless ways, and they don’t even know it.

Here’s to the Poofs!

Andy B.

As has been said before, “These guys are the real deal!”
It was great to see them honored for their amazing contributions to FIRST.

Like Andy said, they’ve had a great impact on our team without even realizing it.

Congratulations Poofs! :smiley:


Great job 254 - Welcome to the Hall of Fame - Keep up the great work because the Poofs do inspire many, many, FIRST teams!

Cheesy Poofs, I would just like to extend my deepest congratulations to you. For a long time, I’ve been hearing about the Cheesy Poofs and if anyone else should win this award, well, I’m glad it was you guys. Congratulations and great job.

I really felt this year was going to be a year for the Cheesy Puffs! I remember going over their site and chairman’s entry a little bit before nats, and was pretty much wowed but all the great stuff they do!! They really are a great model for all other FIRST teams. They distribute their handbook for free on their site, and it’s helping our team develop a similar type of handbook. thanks guys and congrats!!