Time Warner is sponsoring a FIRST off-season Robotics Invitational - Connect a Million minds, June 26, 2010 at Columbus, Ohio from 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM at the One Hundred and thirty million newly renovated South High School, Columbus, Ohio. 14 high caliber teams have registered thus far. We need an additional 10 teams. Come join us and play 2010 Break Away again with the best. To sign up, go to www.growrobotics.org. This an initiative of Time Warner and CORI-Central Ohio Robotics Initiative. See you there.
Connect a Million Minds Invitational
Public Agenda
June 25-26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
3:00PM Field Setup Begins
3:00PM –7:00PM Early Team Setup
8:00PM Doors Locked
Saturday, June 26, 2010
7:00AM Crew Arrives
8:00AM Doors Open
9:00AM –10:00AM Practice Matches
10:00AM – 10:30AM Opening Ceremonies
10:30AM – 1:10PM Qualification Matches
1:15PM – 1:30PM Alliance Selections
1:30PM – 2:00PM Lunch
2:00PM – 4:00PM Elimination Matches
4:00PM – 5:00PM Final Matches
5:15PM – 6:00PM Awards ceremony
6:00PM – 9:00PM Tear Down and Pack Up
9:00PM Doors Locked
**Schedule subject to change. All times are estimated based on flow of rounds. See Pit
Administration table for updated times.
**A. Team Awards
a. The CORI Spirit of Ohio Award
b. The Awesome Drive-Train Award
c. The Best Shooter Award
d. The Best Hanger Award
e. The Best Defense Award
f. The Team Spirit Award
g. The Judges Award
h. Winning Alliance
i. Runner-Up Alliance
B. Individual Award
a. CORI Mentor of the Year**
The CORI Spirit of Ohio Award
The CORI Spirit of Ohio Award celebrates the top Ohio team
regarding spirit, motivation and overcoming obstacles.
The Awesome Drive-Train Award
The Awesome Drive System Award celebrates the team that has created, by the judges’ best approximation, the most awesome drive system. The criteria and definition of the word ‘awesome’ is left up to the judges.
The Best Shooter Award
The Best Shooter Award celebrates the best shooter. The criteria for “best” is left to the judges.
The Best Hanger Award
The Best Hanger Award celebrates the best hanging robot. The criteria for “best” is left to the judges.
The Best Defense Award
The Best Defense Award celebrates the best defensive robot. The criteria for “best” is left to the judges.
The Team Spirit Award
This Team Spirit Award celebrates the team who shows the best team spirit both in the stands and in the pits.
The Judges Award
This Judges Award celebrates the team that the judges would like to
“take home with them”.
The Central Ohio Robotics Invitational Mentor of the Year
This award celebrates one selected mentor from a team participating in the 2010 ORI. Each team may nominate one individual for this award. Nominations should be a one page typed or two page hand written essay describing the mentor’s activities to help his/her team grow within itself and to help the FIRST community. Nominations should be brought to the competition and placed in the “Mentor of the Year” Box. Judging will be done by a select group of FIRST Alumni. Nominations should have the nominee’s name, team number, and team name in the footer.
Is this event open to teams from Michigan and if so,what is the cost?
I think the IRI awards (or at least their descriptions) up and left Indiana and migrated east.
Yes we need 24 teams have 14
What: Connect a Million Minds Invitational
When: Saturday, June 26, 2010 from 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM (ET)
Where: South High School
South High School - 1160 Ann Street - Columbus, OH 43206
Details: Doors open at 8AM.
More information available on our website
Cost: Send check for $50.00 (per team) payable by June 18th to:
Educational Council
1929 Kenny Road, Suite 300
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Attention: Terrie Stolte, CFO
For: C.O.R.I. (in the memo line)
Please also bring 2 cans of food per person as a donation to the Mid Ohio Food Bank
Only 24 Teams
Contact: William Kautz [email protected]
Well if it work use them.
Yes, but I did make some changes.
Indeed - take from the best.
I’m happy Ohio is getting in on the offseason event scene. Several NEOFRA teams, including 48, will be attending.
What teams are attending so far? Is there a list?
3010 The Red Plague
963 Robo Tech
1014 Bad Robots
Ross Rambotics 3201
1317 - Digital Fusion
luggernauts 3262
3324 The Metrobots
3193 Falco
379 RoboCats
2941Ben Logan
3138 Innovators Robotics
Team 48 - Delphi E.L.I.T.E.
Lakota Robotics - FRC Team 1038 Thunderhawks
3186 DecABotz ???I think ??? need to sign up on the wed site got e-mail
We are still looking for more teams for the summer event in Columbus,Ohio.
Can not beat the price 50.00
As of our meeting today, there will still at least 8 slots open in the invitational.
The timing of the event is bad. Unfortunately, the Michigan Advanced Robotics Competition (MARC) is also going on at the same time.
Sorry about that. We will have to try to avoid this conflict next year.
964 will be meeting tomorrow, and I will definitely bring this up. Unofficially, we plan on attending.
2252 is considering it, but we’ve got “mentor availability” issues. If it weren’t for that, it would be a no-brainer for us to be there.
There are several local teams with mentor availability issues, so we understand. I hope you will be able to attend.
We are still looking for more team to come to the event. We will have a first field to play on.
Hope you can come.
Is this open only fo Ohio teams or can any team sign up?
All teams welcome. Open to all teams.
There is still opening and it is open to any FIRSTteam