You don’t mention what tool/language, but if using LabVIEW, make sure that the project tree item called RT compactRIO Target has the right IP address. It defaults to 10.xx.yy.02 and if you don’t change it in the wizard, you will not connect. To change it, right click on the line and choose Properties and change the IP.
Our team has been having issues that sound similar to this, we make a change in code and then try to deploy the update but it seems to never be able to find the crio.
We managed to find a work-around by closing the driverstation and dashboard when making changes. it seems to work about 90% of the time.
someone correct me if i’m wrong but i think it’s probably some issue in the way the driverstation and dashboard get data to and from the bot.
You’re correct enough. It’s only the Dashboard communication that’s causing the trouble, and it’ll be fixed with an update soon. For now, your workaround is the officially sanctioned way to deal with it. The Driver Station program doesn’t need to be shut down; you only have to close the Dashboard (and any other programs using the SmartDashboard data). If you do that before you try to send code to the robot, it should work every time.
Thank you so much!! That just might be our problem! I was trying to lauch some example code from LabVIEW and the example code didn’t have our cRIO IP address
I’ll fix it in the morning when we get back to school