We have tried deploying our program and after we built it and start to deploy it this message comes up:"Connection failed. The network address might be invalid or the target is not responding. " Anybody know?
were you doing this over USB or wifi?
Through Ethernet,
Have you updated your router software?
i would first try to deploy code while connected with USB. If that works i would then try it though Ethernet and watch on the driver station to see if you are loosing packets.
We have not had a lot of luck with the Roborio and ethernet as far as programming it. Wifi and USB deploy just fine though.
If you’re successful with WiFi and USB, I’d expect the problem with the connection is related to the network settings on the PC for the LAN adapter.
It’s likely you’re pulling an IP address that matches the router when you connect by WiFi. USB always pulls and creates a virtual network interface. Ethernet requires your PC to be setup to talk to the roboRIO. For this, modify the settings in Windows to make the computer’s IP 10.TE.AM.# and subnet and you should be able to communicate directly by Ethernet to the roboRIO.
If ethernet, it must be to the radio, not to the Roborio directly.
In our experience the network ports on laptops are a common failure point after a season or two of frc use. Additionally we do communication errors from labview that are often resolved by just trying again.
Okay thanks guys, I’ll try it out and tell you how it goes.
We tried deploying via USB and get the same error.
Unfortunately we have only novice programmers and none of the mentors who are able to show up the next two weeks know anything about Labview.
Anything we should be trying?
Can you turn off the WIFI adapter? A lot of times, the computer will attempt to use the wifi connection instead of the wired or USB connection.
I’ve been having the same problems with USB much like @BSV
Does the radio need to be hooked up to deploy?
You don’t need the radio if you use USB for *Run as startup *. It’s not in the path and doesn’t give out the IP addresses used by the roboRIO or PC over USB.
If you are using Ethernet, then through the radio is easiest. The radio is assigning compatible IP addresses to both the roboRIO and PC.
The radio is necessary for downloading code over wireless, of course.
You can use Ethernet without the radio there to serve IP addresses, either connecting through a bridge or directly between the roboRIO and PC. In fact that’s essentially how it will work in the pits at competition. At competition the robot’s OpenMesh radio will be setup as a bridge and won’t be serving DHCP addresses, which is the playing field AP’s job. So, in the pits the PC and roboRIO will both resort to compatible default IP addresses in the 169. range.
The trick is that the roboRIO will take it’s default address as soon as it boots and doesn’t find a DHCP server. The PC needs to timeout it’s IP assignment if it’s been connected to a DHCP server in the recent past. Some PC’s are quick to reassign when the DHCP server disappears, while others are slower.
Just be aware that it’s going to be smoother if you avoid unnecessarily switching back and forth between connecting to the radio and connecting directly to the roboRIO via Ethernet.
USB Didn’t work so we are attempting to configure the radio, we’ve changed the IP Address in the control panel network ethernet check on Version 4. I changed it to and when we try configuring it says our IP Address has not been changed, and when we check back on the ethernet control panel, it changed our IP Address to
You used the FRC Radio Configuration Utility to setup the radio?
Did you follow the directions at: https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/13503/l/144986-programming-your-radio-for-home-use
You need to get the USB working before anything else.
Have you updated the firmware on the roboRIO and imaged/formatted it as well?
Do the firmware first.
Firmware directions are here: https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/13503/l/273817-updating-your-roborio-firmware
Imaging/formatting directions are here: