Connection to Radio but not RoboRIO

Our competition is tomorrow, and our programmer dropped out so I’m doing a little last-minute troubleshooting.

Our Driver Station connects wirelessly to the Robot Radio, but does not connect to the RoboRIO. We’ve re-configured the radio and updated the RoboRIO multiple times. We’ve switched Enet cables. The computer can’t ping the team’s network, yet we can connect to our team’s network. We’ve enabled DHCP, and turned off Firewall and Antivirus software.

We know it’s not a communication issue between the Radio and the RoboRIO, because we have another computer that connects to both wirelessly. Unfortunately, this computer cannot currently run code.

We feel like we’ve tried just about every approach to fixing this that we can find. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

We had a similar issue a while back. It seems for us that the bridge was taking so long to boot up that the RoboRIO stopped looking for a bridge to connect to. We “solved” this by waiting for the radio’s green connected light to turn on, and then pressing the reset button on the RoboRIO. We have looked into a better fix for this, but so far we have not found one. I hope this helps.


I’ve yet to actually see this, but the recommendation is to swap the port at the radio that connects to the roboRIO. The expectation is that this issue will not happen if it is connected to the port next to the power connector. But swapping to the other port to see if it changes symptoms is also in order.

Greg McKaskle

Thank you! We will try that.

Ok, thanks. We will try swapping ports.

As it turned out, what ended up working was plugging into the roborio via USB, waiting for it to connect to the network and Driver Station, and unplugging the USB cable. It finally connected wirelessly. Thanks for the help.