Continue Moving Past Reverse Limit

Our robot this off-season has the limit switches for the climbers plugged into the intake motors. We aren’t able to plug them in anywhere else and I’m confused on how to allow the intake motors to keep moving while the limit switches are pressed. The logic is already in place for the climbers to read the intake’s reverse limits, but the intake motors stop moving when the limit switches are pressed.

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I would instead plug that limit switch into the roboRIO’s DIO port; that would be more consistent.

It’s not possible for us to plug it in anywhere else. Do you know how we can do it through the intake motors?

You can programmatically disable the forward/reverse limits. When enabled, these limits will prevent any motor commands in that direction, which is generally wanted because a limit is a limit, but if you do have a valid use-case, the API does support it.

What motors are you guys using?

We’ve used this functionality a lot to take advantage of the faster reaction time of the control loop inside the motor controller, for things like indexing a game piece.