I may be reading these things wrong, but I’m confused with these two different AndyMark KoP wheel placement/belt chart.
My ultimate goal is to drive 6" wheels in the square configuration.
That being said, this chart says that I would need the 131T am-2571 belts. But on the other hand, this drawing states that you need the 151T am-2706 belt. (these are both for 6" wheels).
Maybe it’s not a contradiction, but I’m a little confused. Which one do I need to accomplish the aformentioned goal?
I stumbled into that quagmire as well. From my reading, there is a snafu in the AM documentation between an older AM14U pdf and the newer 2015 AM14U2 blue chart. The older AM14U pdf seems to have the Part number mixed up with the belt number of teeth. Unfortunately, I did not have all the right parts in front of me (belts and AM14U2 chassis) to absolutely answer the question properly and ended up ordering extra belts.
So, yes. I think there is an issue. My recommendation is to call Andy Mark to resolve it. They are of course, very helpful.
Maybe that’s my problem. It seems like that chart is for the AM14U when we are actually using the AM14U2… It seems like the AM14U2 product page links to a drawing from the AM14U, which is out of date.
Just called AndyMark and spoke with an engineer there. It appears that on this chart, using the 151T belt works in the square configuration if using the outermost green hole. The representative said another option for 6" wheels is to use the inner red hole with the 131T belt if more wheel clearance is necessary.
I guess even though we messed up and ordered while referencing the wrong diagram, it appears that the 151T belt will work as long as there is enough space on the end. Otherwise, we can default back to the 131T belt which is included and use the inner red mounting hole.
EDIT: Even though we don’t have the belts yet, it appears as if there is enough clearance to use that mounting hole! (albeit very little)