I teach the robotics classes at our high school and we use the same control system that we use in competition. I am looking for more robot controllers and operator interfaces. If an one is looking to unload theirs please let me know. Thanks
It looks like the control system will be radically different this year, as First will be giving us a PIC rather than a basic stamp to program. The upshot is that it’s programmable in C, appears to be compiled rather than interpreted, has interrupts (No more external PICS dedicated to shaft encoding!) and operates at 10Mips. After writing our autonomous code and pushing the poor basic stamp to it’s limit last year, I can say this is a welcome improvement.
As I was saying to our team leader today… “In the past, it’s never been a question of ‘How do we do this right?’ for us when it comes to the software… It’s always a question of ‘How do we do hack the poor stamp to do what it doesn’t want to do?’” Hopefully we can start doing stuff right rather than hacking the heck out of the poor thing.
*Originally posted by dbeck103 *
**I teach the robotics classes at our high school and we use the same control system that we use in competition. I am looking for more robot controllers and operator interfaces. If an one is looking to unload theirs please let me know. Thanks **
If you don’t mind paying, I recently saw a 2001 or 2002 controller updated for 2003 with several victors (I think they were 883s) and spikes on Ebay. Im sure the auction is over by now, but I didnt see any bids on it, so it might be back up there again