Hello. I am part of team 6922 and there is a slight problem with the controllers that we have. We usually use two logitech controllers to drive the robot and we previously used a gamepad. However, whenever I use the FPC PC Dashboard something happens: the controllers are only used to control the right side and the gamepad controlls the left one. Either controller only operates in the right side, and if we connect both of them, none of them respond. This isn’t supposed to happen since, on our previous year the gamepad was used for a claw system intake. We removed the claw from the system and won’t use it. Is there anyway I can fix this issue?
Please post your code.
One minute, let me upload it to github
To isolate whether it is a code or hardware issue, do the joysticks display and respond as you expect in the driver station?
The controllers (both of the logitech and the gamepad) appear on the driver station. However, they do not act as expected since the joysticks just operate on the right side and the gamepad on the right.
By “respond as expected” I meant in the driver station, not if the robot responds as expected.
If you have all the controllers plugged in, select each controller in the list (1) and look at the “device indicators” (3) to see if changing the axes and pressing buttons of each controller is reflected correctly.
I will tell you about it tomorrow ASAP because I am not with the robot/controllers at the moment
Now the controllers work since it was a bad arrangement in the FRC Driver Station. However, the right controller is detected as going back but the robot does not move.
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