Is is within the rules to remove/replace subassemblies from the robot between matches? Provided of course that the whole thing comes in under weight and both configurations are legal and pass inspection. Or would every change require reinspection?
For example, for a particular match the ability to slip under the Low Bar is desirable. Can you design a bot to make the shooter assembly removable for that match and then replace it for the next without queuing for reinspection?
BTW, I really want to see a fully funtional intake-shooter-climber that is 16" high with a 120" perimeter AND can negotiate all the defenses. I’m sure somebody will do it; I can’t wait to see it!
To my knowledge you should get reinspected after every change you make to the robot. If you wanted to play it safe, I’d just call an inspector over and let them know you’re doing the change. If it’s something you’ve done multiple times, they’ll probably just say go for it. I would always double check this with your LRI at the event you are attending.
You choose your defenses while in queue position 2, you see what defenses you have to breach while in queue position 1 where they will not let you start swapping components in and out.
So if your Volkswagen Thing of a robot would be swapping components based on the defenses you face it’s not practical.
Answer: YES, it is within the rules to remove/replace subassemblies from the robot between matches PROVIDED THAT all the modular elements and the robot in total weigh in at less than 120lbs and were inspected and approved.
Rules this reasoning is derived from are R5, T14, and T15.
Excepts from rules:
The ROBOT weight must not exceed 120 lbs. When determining weight, the basic ROBOT
structure and all elements of all additional MECHANISMS that might be used in different
configurations of the ROBOT shall be weighed together.
At the time of Inspection, the ROBOT must be presented with all MECHANISMS (including all
COMPONENTS of each MECHANISM), configurations, and decorations that will be used on the
ROBOT during the competition event. It is acceptable, however, for a ROBOT to play MATCHES
with a subset of the MECHANISMS that were present during Inspection. Only MECHANISMS
that were present during the Inspection may be added, removed or reconfigured between
MATCHES. If MECHANISMS are changed between MATCHES the reconfigured ROBOT must
still meet all Inspection criteria.
If a ROBOT is modified after it has passed its most recent Inspection, other than modifications
listed in A through F, that ROBOT must be re-Inspected before the ROBOT is eligible to
participate in a MATCH. If any of the exceptions listed below result in a significant change to the
ROBOT’S size, weight, legality, or safety, the ROBOT must be re-Inspected. When in doubt, the
Team should ask to be re-Inspected.
… F. Additions, removals, or reconfiguration of ROBOT with a subset of MECHANISMS already
Inspected per T14.
Say you have a robot base, System A, and System B. System A and System B are mutually exclusive and can’t be on the robot base at the same time. You have to get size inspected with base + A, base + B, and probably just the base (unless it’s obviously okay). But for weight inspection, you weigh base + A + B all together. Base + A + B together has to be less than 120 lbs.
We’re definitely considering this idea, although as you know we’re a little gun-shy on this topic due to past experience.
Of course, we’d rather have all the desired capabilities in a single configuration, but having a dual-configuration setup is a potential fallback.
Fully agreed that making a quick swap is an essential pre-requisite. Personally, I think that less than 1 minute is pretty much required, and I think it should require no tools, but use tool-free quick disconnects for both mechanical and electrical interfaces.
Such a subsystem needs to be designed (treat it as a requirement) to do the swap that quickly. It would be similar to the conversion some teams did last year from “transport configuration” to/from “playing configuration.”
I’m pretty sure this is wrong. From my understanding, you would only need the base alone, base + A, and base + B, all individually to be under 120 lbs. As long as base + A + B < 155 lbs (robot weight + withholding allowance) you should be fine to field the robot in any configuration you want as long as each seperate config. is under 120 lbs.