Hi, my team is currently renovating our shop and was looking for cool new ideas. We were trying to think of useful and fun things we might be able to install now. Please share ideas or photos that come from your shop/Work space that make it great. All ideas are much appreciated!
Wow, that’s an awesome workspace. I’d kill for something like that.
It is a shared space between three teams. It would be great if it was just us but we have to play nice and share.
Koko Ed’s got it right. Steal from the best*: Michigan Engineering Zone and 118’s (NASA) Lab come to mind.
*Ok, bit of an awkward idiom in this case.
Heck, even for 3 teams, that is an incredible build space. You are all very fortunate to have it.
Who funds it? Was 191 the first team to start it?
I recommend checking out 987’s facebook page for some ideas. They renovated their space recently and it looks brilliant. They have pictures on their fb page in this album
I learned from 987 that they actually did most of the renovation work themselves, which makes the space even more awesome and valuable.
The sickest FRC build space has to be 359’s. They have worked very hard to secure funding to create their space and fill it with some sweet machines. http://www.waialuarobotics.com/2013-2014/About/Facilities/roboticsfacilities.html They even have their own waterjet!
RCR commissioned the creation of the space (an abandoned Auto Tech Shop @ Edison Tech High School ) after our old/new space @ 30 Hart Street got taken away due to having to give the space to a high school that was having Asbestos removed from their building.
Our local techshop is pretty sweet, we did a good chuck of robot fabrication and assembly here over the last build season.
Virtual tour on front.
My school has much of what is in those workspaces in the wood and metal shop, but we aren’t allowed to use them.
This is are most advanced workspace at are school. Are 2 HP6’s and are plasma cam table is surrounded by cages made from extrusion. The cages have lockouts on the door and e stops. When we had the plasma table installed they put a plastic sheet on the window to block the light from the plasma cutter. This really comes in handy when we have to demo the the plasma table to groups of people.
Also, the coloured circles on the floor under the arms indicate areas of caution. The glasses and ear muff holder is another useful addition.
Supposedly Kettering University is redoing their “old gym” in their academic building to be a FIRST Robotics workshop for local teams with a full field. Should be interesting to see what comes out of that. Probably happening a little too late for it to be relevant to you though.