Cool Song and Video!

If this song and video dont cheer you up and get your body moving I dont know what will


This thing is so freakin cool!

Your right, it did cheer me up

I think that was first seen on newgrounds about two years ago… it might have been a long time ago…

still pretty fun, though :slight_smile:

I used to like Daft Punk a lot… that’s pretty funny.

Funny video and it was a good song, but the cheer effect didn’t work on me…

It triggered an LSD trip! AHAH!!


I still have no idea what the heck I just saw.

psah… you call THAT an LSD trip? Try this video.

It’s basically a guy that looks kinda like jesus who begins to have a psycadelic acid trip, begins walking and swimming with the ducks in the water, and soon all of the other animals join in and they have one big disco party.

Plus the music is Phish/Bush-like :slight_smile:

Both those movies are great! That gave my day the lift it needed. Fa-la-la-la-la-la, Fa-la-la-la-la-la!

That 2nd video is really cool… where can I get a better copy of it?

I think I’m going to make an animated GIF of the dancing girls in the first movie.

But man, the second one is just freaky. It’s like “Woah, lets go fly with some trees and ducks man, and like, woah! Freaky disco floor with ducks, and lamas, and… woah.”:stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that first video was kool but I think I like the second one a lot better.

thats so awesome!!!

The pixel people in the first video REALLY annoy me. I’ve watched that video a few times, and something about them really aggrivates me :smiley:

The second video is just CREEPY.