Cool/Unique Offseason Projects

Our team was also thinking of making a ping pong ball shooter for an off season project. How did you launch the ping pong balls and how fast were you able to accelerate them to? I was just curious.

We used a wheel to fire them. It works pretty well. They go about halfway across the width of a gym, and we can make them slower if needed (so as not to harm little kids). A couple of notes: a single wheel creates massive backspin. It was really fun when we had it horizontal, but vertical is better for the bot. Also, the system will vibrate because of the wheel. Our wooden prototype from 2 years ago would vibrate so much that the ping pong balls wouldn’t get sucked down into the shooter. The switch to a metal frame fixed it. We still don’t have a great indexer working, so no advice there, but we are trying.

Thanks, It is a project i would really like to do. Did your team think about using pneumatics as that is what we are considering. I originally got the idea from popular science here The video at the bottom of the article is pretty cool. If our team ever made a pneumatic ping pong ball shooter for a robot we would reduce the air pressure for safety reasons of course. Thanks for the response.

854 has stripped our 2014 robot and is building a semi-accurate Dozer as well as possibly prototyping a new Octacanum drive.

We did consider using pneumatics. They would definitely work, and would certainly shoot farther if powered up fully. However, they have some challenges with making them safe using FIRST legal parts. We wanted our bot to be driveable by first graders (in fact, we recently brought it to a children’s museum), and in close quarters (we once demoed our frisbee shooter in a hallway). Having a wheel makes it easier for us to control the speed, and allows for rapid fire, which is always fun.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with using pneumatics, and I’m certain that the challenges won’t really be a problem, so I’d say go for it!

Currently working on designing a new robot cart to build in the coming weeks for build season.

Annual VEX robots.

There’s also a special little project we will be sharing later. :slight_smile:

I’m also heading CAD classes for underclassmen so we have some more experience for build season.

Thanks, I was just curious. It makes sense to use the wheel in that case, easy to control the speed and rapid fire. Firing rapidly is a lot harder with pneumatics.