Coolant Misters

I’m looking for some sort of coolant mister to use on a Tormach mill. It gets used infrequently, so I really didn’t want to deal with flood coolant. Fog Buster seems to be the thing, but it’s expensive. I see Noga makes something cheaper.

Does anyone have experience with a coolant mister setup that’s not $500?


I’ve written up a few build lists for using a cheap mister with a fuel pump and a nice needle valve. OMIO CNC Tips, Tricks and Questions - #385 by RoboChair

I’ve got the Noga unit, it has been doing well on my Tormach, same reason as you, it doesn’t get ran often enough to maintain flood coolant. The magnet base sticks nicely to the spindle.



We have Kool Mist - Portamist Cooling System by Kool Mist Spray Mist Coolant Systems, Mill Coolant, Tool Coolant, Lathe Coolant, Machining Coolant on 971 for our router. The tank is remoted far more than you are supposed to (like ~10’) and it used to not work super well especially when the lines sat over the summer, but since we switched to a 1/4" ID tube we have had no problems. Would recommend.

My employer uses several Kool Mist setups on various pieces of equipment. Generally good results. We use them for coolant, oil, and even aqueous cleaners.

Amazon has a Kool Mist kit for $225: (doesn’t seem to actually include the magnetic holder though, but for a router that probably wouldn’t help either).

Do you have shop air? Or at least an air compressor with decent capacity?
If so, we’ve had pretty good experience using these:

We have one on our Omio that we just use for air cooling/chip removal using shop air (we have a wasteboard we mount things too, so adding coolant would get messy fast), and got a second one for our Tormach for mist coolant. It’s pretty easy to use and extremely inexpensive to set up (just need to add air, a coolant container, and probably some adapter fittings for the tubing it takes).

What coolant are you using with it?

Probably not the right stuff, finishing out the jug of coolant i’d be using for flood…

Tormach themselves recommends QualiChem XTREME CUT 251C.

We’re using Durakut 4010 which is what Tormach used to reccomend back when we bought ours. It’s worked pretty well for us, but it’s a bit harder to find these days.