Seeing as I didn’t really get to watch a lot of matches at IRI, I missed a bit of the action (and judging from the screaming, there was a lot of it). Anyone care to give a play by play of some of the crazier matches?
I cnat really give play-by-play, but I can list some of the best moments from IRI.
The semi-controversial DQing(mostly just jason saying it shouldt have been called) of team 469 when they speared team 269(i think thats who they speared) with to try and keep them from hanging(they hung anyway, and won the match regardless of them hanging or not) in the semi-finals.
716 stopping team 190 from getting the bar, not only in auto, but the entire match was good, and many other great moments(the entire finals for one).
i wasnt at IRI even though i was suppose to … but after hearing who won the finals… and went to 3 matches to decide… i think final matches were AWESOME…
BEAST against the Technocats… they went for it 3 times now for the finals… once at Midwest… where 45 had the glory… once at nationals in their division … where 71 had their glory… and again at IRI…
I have to put my vote in for us and 930 versus Wildstang (111) and Cheif Delphi (47). Also, us and Chief Delphi versus the Technokats (45) and Cyber Blue (234)…although it pretty much came down to us vs. Technokats.
The second match that I listed was the third match of the qarterfinals. Basically, we get balls, Technokats get balls, grab a big ball. The Chiefs and Cyber Blue became entangled, so they were both pretty much non factors in that match. After unloading, we went to hang, realize that all we’d lose no matter what if the Technokats cap, so we went and kept them from capping. We ended up loosing by one ball, but wow, it was an amazing match! I’d much rather loose in a hard fought match that by a fluke.
I don’t really remember much of the other match I listed, we’ll just have to wait for the video to come out. I think it was match #94.
That quarterfinal match was quite good, I thought you had them, but I didnt actually get to count since I had to reset the field. I was probally the only field reset volunteer who didnt jump and down and shout as soon as the result was announced(pretty much all of them were either on CyberBlue, or were related to someone who was).
it may seem a bit biased, but I would vote for (out of the matches that i did see) the third match of quarterfinal where we dropped a big ball inside of 93 just before they were about to catch the ball drop.
don’t forget when you guys uncapped your opponent’s stationary goal at the last second.
My favorite match too
Or up in the stands like me and Aaron
The las guerillas DQ was pretty neat to watch just because I was behind the score table and you could see that they would have won even if both 269 and 71 were hanging (71 wasn’t). The result would have been completely different if 469 would have eased off.
The card system took the reffing more off Andy which worked great. It let’s him make the right decision without hurting feeling a lot. I know 469 was dissapointed and several talked with Andy but they understood his decision and understood it wasn’t something they should have done. I don’t think this decision would have happened without a card system.
Speaking of uncapping opponents’ goals at the last minute, the first match of that quarterfinals was a good one too where Chief Delphi uncapped the TechnoKats’ goal.
The Killer Bees’ main goal is to make it exciting, secondary goal is to win! Wait, maybe I got those two mixed up.
I was gonna mention that one too, but I forgot the team number that you dropped it into. So intead of blindly guessing, i let it go.
You know… at this point I am going to say that was 571’s strategic staple this year, especially during elims. I saw them do it at Beantown, I saw them try at nats, and I saw it at UTC.
I loved all of the defensive plays used this weekend. There was a lot of uncapping, bar-covering, robot capping, and some good pushing matches
I don’t know if anyone here remembers the match, but it was an early qualification match where our robot (269) was going for the hang and our parter was going for it as well. Following a weird turn of events our partner ends up on top of us, so we just say screw it, and winch up anyway. Well it sure was interesting to see our partners robot off the platform, but the werne’t hangng because the only thing keeping the up was us!
I am prolly saying 980’s capping of their opponents stationary goal, before too many balls got in it was the best play/match, also capping their goal, and instead of hangning capping their alliances stationary for QP. 2 seperate matches. I hope they weren’t practice matches, but I remeber 980 capped their alliances goal twice to block points and 1 of those was a practice. I know it isn’t explained to well, but I have only been home for 14 hrs. Need recoup, bah.
I’ll have to agree with Henry, 980’s strategy was pretty amazing. I wonder if we could do that more often…Nah. I’ll have to say, it’s one of the best strategies I’ve seen. Great work. I just want to mention to my drive team- Cliff, Brad, Henry- I had fun. I learned a lot Brad. I’ve got it bad but I go through matches in my head reviewing everything you did Brad, and imagining myself doing it. Can’t wait for Yorktown. Anyway, great job teams. My first IRI was a memorable one.