What do you think is the coolest team name out there? Personally, I am quite fond of “'da bears”
i like my teams name…its all like, Aftershock and cool like that
I should have said “coolest team name, not including your’e own”
well even though AFTERSHOCK is the coolest name ever, there are a few other names that i like too. they include…
Robbe (i like the idea of having a robot with a real name)
Aztechs (cute pun thingy)
Pobots (sounds awesome)
erm…maybe i just have a thing for robots that were at the LI Regional and in the Curie Division at Nationals…
Im not sure of the number
“Pack Of Trojans” of Parkland HS in Allentown, Pennsylvania (somewhere close to Allentown)
*Originally posted by D.J. Fluck *
**Im not sure of the number“Pack Of Trojans” of Parkland HS in Allentown, Pennsylvania (somewhere close to Allentown) **
no way!!! i can’t believe FIRST or a school would allow that
I would say a creative one is …Who?
Oh…yeah…thats right…with their robot…What?
Oh…yeah…not our teams name…I thought Think Pink was creative…they got some manly men who proudly wore pink!! Far better man than I
i’m sorry, THE APES OF WRATH tops them all
hrm…so far everyone but a few voted for their own team…
and DK,
Parkland HS is the Trojans (if im not mistaken) They were a rival school to my parents HS back when they were in HS in the olden days
Hmm… not including your own?
Since i’m not including my own team name now…
The ThunderChickens
hmm, not including my team, i’;d say the Mechanical Marauders is a really cool name
The TigerTRONS:D
The COOLEST team name? It is obvious…
“The Icebreakers” from Alaska!
I personally like “Metal In Motion” - i got a bunch of comments when i wore the “WINNER” shirt i got from them at nationals for answering one of the easy question of the days
Besides my own team…I like the technocats’ name
You spelled it wrong!..
(psss…its TechnoKats…as in K for Kokomo, and K for Kokomo WildKats (school)…)
oh well…everyone spells it wrong for some reason…there was even a “joke going around” and it seemed like everything that had TechnoKats on it was spelled wrong thanks to Mike Soukup…i even think the Beatty quiz at Nationals had it spelled wrong…
im likin the “TechnoKats”…or the “thunderchickens”…
for robot name tho i have to say miss daisy was the coolest name
besides of course my own
LOL, my bad for spelling it wrong. Working with you guys in Cleveland was awesome.