Coolist "bot" in each division

What are the coolist “bot” in each division that you saw??

i can only really speak for curie,

i liked baxter,

i also liked 121’s overall design and like the fact that they could intentionally flip over who they wanted, it made me laugh when that happened

i hear a few people liked us

111 had the coolest robot i’ve seen so far

for archimedes, 111, or 157 (i think) because they built 2 robots, one just for practice :eek: :ahh:

Baxter was extremely fast but could be pushed around pretty easily.

I can also only speak for Curie…

I really liked 188’s simple and effective design. There was one team that had an obvious “weapon” of a stacker mechanism, I can’t remember the team number anymore, but I know they flipped us and busted our electronics box. (The only match where we didn’t have the hill).
60 with their feet were pretty effective, never got a chance to see how they worked though :frowning:
Modesty aside, I like our bot (470), our downfall was miscommunication with our lead programmer about our auto code.

IMO Truck Town Thunder deserved that imagery award. They had a sweet looking bot. 236 also looked really good. another one of my favorites.

*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**Baxter was extremely fast but could be pushed around pretty easily.

Actually, we never engaged in a pushing match at nationals(except with team 60 and we ended up spinning them). We had a problem tripping breakers if we pushed alot so we basicly used our speed to run away from everyone who pushed on us(making it look like we were getting pushed alot). We certaintly weren’t the strongest but I think we are much stronger that most people thought(although it didn’t matter cause if we used our strength we would’ve tripped out like crazy and been useless that last 15 seconds).

I have to say that 25 was the coolest robot in Curie. Fastest bot in the compeition and able to push 292 around like a rag doll…wow

yeah, how did 25 manage to have so much power and speed at the same time withou switching gears?

thank you much :D…ours wasnt necessarily the best looking robot, but it accomplishes almost everything that we ask of it.

id have to say that i still love 71’s bot… the arm was a great idea, and the auto code was also pretty good… it goes back for more stacks after the initial swat too…

*Originally posted by Gadget470 *
**Baxter was extremely fast but could be pushed around pretty easily.

I can also only speak for Curie…

I really liked 188’s simple and effective design. There was one team that had an obvious “weapon” of a stacker mechanism, I can’t remember the team number anymore, but I know they flipped us and busted our electronics box. (The only match where we didn’t have the hill).
60 with their feet were pretty effective, never got a chance to see how they worked though :frowning:
Modesty aside, I like our bot (470), our downfall was miscommunication with our lead programmer about our auto code. **

Being the driver of 292, i can also agree that i am amazed by team 25. I didnt really hear or see of them before those Final rounds, and wow. Congrats on making it so far. Your bot is a monster.

How did you get so much speed AND power?

and also, in our defense, the last round our battery was flipping in and out which made it hard to fight back. One of the cables eventually came clear off the battery and we ended the match 30 seconds early.

Great bot 25!

2 CIM motors, and 2 Drill motors with a 4:1 gear ratio. The thing was the motors drained the battery too fast. The voltage went down from 9-10 volts every match.

236- no doubt about it. They were the fastest in Galileo and could grab boxes on the fly, then stack them in a second… I still can’t believe they slipped to the 5th pick- the # 1, 2, 3, and 4 picks were all king of the hill bots… Without them we wouldn’t have been able to do anything close to what we achieved.

(Clarify- the #2 team tried to pick #3, which rejected… so when we (#4) picked 236, it was really the #5 pick)

I liked 25. Looks and functionality. When I was inspecting you guys, I was afraid to stick my hand into the cool looking mesh of metal that is your arms… sort of resembled scissors I guess. Reffing out on Curie, I saw what you guys were really capable of. Great design, simplicity and functionality at it’s best. I got a real good picture of your bot on top of the ramp during your final match on Curie… enjoy.

I must say that i loved 71’s bot, that arm was awesome, it was powered by both of the CIM’s, and was powerful as s***. I never really got a chance to check out 25’s drivetrain, and i now i regret it. Is there a picture, or other discription anywhere?

P.S. i also loved the look of the mighty mouse.

Originally posted by ZACH P. *
I must say that i loved 71’s bot, that arm was awesome, it was powered by both of the CIM’s, and was powerful as s
. I never really got a chance to check out 25’s drivetrain, and i now i regret it. Is there a picture, or other discription anywhere?

P.S. i also loved the look of the mighty mouse. **

Don’t worry, we’ve got pics and descriptions galore. Contact me for it. I’ll see if I can dig up a pick of our “demo” gearbox. “Big” Mike will tell you the dimensions of the thing by heart (he stared at the ACAD drawings for hours and even put some in 3d)

Galileo: 814, Spicy Mustard. :wink: No, seriously, it’s got a massive wooden claw…You just can’t go wrong with wood.

Archimedes: 295. I’ve been impressed with them ever since I saw them in Richmond before any of the regionals even started.

Newton: 192, GRT. Thumbs up for STUDENT made bots! You don’t see as much as you’d like.

Curie: Unfortunately, I cannot remember a single bot [that I liked] from this division. But Mark Leon was their announcer! Lucky people!!!

d00d i’ve been waiting for a thread like this for a while.

I’ve been in love with 343 metal-in-motion, codename Sail-bot since i saw them at their first competition(on webcast). When i saw them i said $@#$@#$@#$@# we need to build sails on our arms. nobody listened to me.

That huge black thing scared me too, the one that exploded at the top of the ramp. they had all these extensions and things to clear the stack. never saw it in action though.

1114 was another amazing robot. I was very dissapointed they didn’t win the rookie award. Their design and implementation as a stacker was unimaginable.

358 was my fav going into the competition, though we beat them at LI, they were amazingly strong. and the crab walk drive train was functional at LI, which helped them a lot.

I can only coment on Curie as that is all I saw. I must admit that the were not the best looking but I believe the fastest bot there. Yep Team 25. Another bot that impressed me was Team 79. Great driver and he showed off the excellence of their robot.
BTW, Mark was the best MC and he was on Curie.

*Originally posted by Holla *
**In my division in the nationals., my favourite was team 292. I don’t know which divisions they were in, or if they even were able to make it to the nationals, but 322 and 1088 were my favourite from the two regionals that 1114 made it to. so in my opinion 292, 322 and 1088 were great. But in the absolute finals, team 111’s bot was pretty cool and so was 25!

There was a lot of Stacking robots in the Newton division. It was crazy! I must say, we were very intiminated, but I’m really happy that we made the highest stack. . . SEVEN! and ALMOST that eight, but the “paw” of out bot jumped the limit switched and went all screwy and it tumbled :frowning:

Nationals were great! Hope to come back again next year! **

I didn’t get a chance to see 111, but 25’s robot was a very good robot [even though they were in Curie].

Out of Newton, I’d say 1114, or 19 [even though we tore up their drive in one of our matches], was one of my favorites. 27 also had a great robot. But I think, if 1114 or 19 wasn’t there, it’d have to be the wedge one, even if they weren’t in the Newton division.

*Originally posted by xavior06 *
**for archimedes, 111, or 157 (i think) because they built 2 robots, one just for practice :eek: :ahh: **
alot of teams have robots for practice