I’d like to hear peoples’ ideas for choosing on which reef side, which branch, and which level to place on (assuming a robot with full autonomous driving capabilities, and placement capabilities)
Currently, my vision is some kind of button board with a hexagon, a slides for the level/four buttons, and a slider for the branch side/two buttons. Not fully sure on how to physically implement that, so I’d love thoughts about that as well!
And if anyone has another idea for the selector, highly welcomed!
I was thinking that the driver would drive to the side they wanted; not have to be right there but close enough. Then the D-pad would automatically score - upper left for L4 left, left for L3 left, bottom left for L2 left, same for the right side, and directly down would be score in the trough.
this is pretty much what I’ve been thinking. driver moves to within sight of the side apriltag they want to score on, and then selects a level using d-pad
We always have two operators - one driver with a video game controller and a second controlling scoring mechanisms. I had proposed an indexed rotary or slide switch - possibly with a spring return to L1. Number of positions would be determined by what levels we’re going for and if we need to include intermediate heights to remove the algae. The driver would drive to the side of the reef they wanted to score on, then use April Tag localization or a camera feed to align. In 2005 we built something similar based on the number of tetras stacked. The spring return would ensure we don’t drive off without lowering the extension.
Ideally, in autonomous, we would map routes to each of the sides with the ability to select our desired level to score on.
I was thinking about a pygame dashboard.
You probably only need one driver to drive if you have auto alignment. So the other driver can operate the computer to mark closed branches. The dashboard should automatically decide which place to score, and send that to the robot via networktables.