Corporate Sponsorship... a piece of cake

Recently I have been getting e-mails about our team’s marketing manual. It is about twenty pages long, and it gives a very detailed description of how we market ourselves to our corporate sponsors, other teams in our school, other teams in FIRST, etc.

So far I have recieved very positive feedback on the handbook, and if anyone is interested in recieving a copy, please post your school address, or a personal address of a member of your team (if you don’t want anyone to know where you live, e-mail me at [email protected] and it’ll be confidential) and I will send you a copy.

Also, we offer mentorship (both financial and technical) for teams that would like help.

Team 60 Marketing Director

We’d love to get a copy.

Circuit Breakers Team 696
c/o Clark Magnet High School
4747 New York Ave
La Crescenta, CA 91214

I wouldn’t mind seeing a copy, any info that can make our team better is info I want to see.

Jason Rees
Churchville-Chili HS
5786 Buffalo Road
Churchville, NY 14428

Or e-mail works [email protected]

Why don’t you just post it in the white papers for everybody to see? Also saves you the work of having to email it individually.

I’m not going to be e-mailing it. We actually got a company (H&H Printers) to make us copies of it. They are bound and everything. I can’t e-mail it at this time, because we do not have it digitalized.


Send one my way!

James Rickertsen
3555 High Grove Way
Atlanta Ga, 30319

Eric Reed
De Anza High School
5000 Valley View Road
El Sobronte CA 94803


We would like one:

Doug Hogg
2019 Beachwood Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90068

Thank you very much.

That sounds very helpful. Our team can use all the fundraising tips it can get.

Larry Wang
120 Boothbay Ave
Foster City, CA, 94404

A copy of that could be very helpful!!

Kristin Pugh
Syracuse Research Corporation
6225 Running Ridge Road
North Syracuse, NY 13212


Our Team would LOVE one!!

Please send it to

Nathan A. Pell
425 Sheoah Blvd #23
Winter Springs, FL 32708

I’d love a copy.

Tom Bigelow Jr.
Sachem Robotics
28 St. joseph Ave.
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779


Please send a copy to:

Joel Price
Team 1163
Faulkton School District
1114 Court St
PO Box 308
Faulkton, SD



Alright, I have sent out the first handbooks. here is a list of the teams that should recieve one. if your team is not on the list, just let me know and I will get one to you.

Eric Johnson’s team (no number)

Hope that’s helpful!


Just to give you an idea of how effective it is…

I just received a message from a local company that we mailed out our initial contact letter to (8 days ago). The contact wanted to know who to make the check out to for the donation. We have never had contact with this company before. When one of our marketing students called her back the contact said the she made the check out to the KHS Robotics Team and it should be here in a few days.

I do not know how much the donation is for but one letter, and one phone call… How many candy bars or discount cards is that??

It really works and is very effective. We will be happy to help any of you with your corporate marketing plans.

Shawn Hardina
Team 60

Thanks a bunch. I’ll keep my eyes on the mailbox.:wink:

Team 212 would love a copy :slight_smile:

Lee Sage
1410 County Line Road
Miami, Florida 33179

We would love a copy. Thanks for the help.

Steve Yasick
Team 85 B.O.B.
3390 100th Ave.
Zeeland, MI 49464

RAPTAR would like a copy

RAPTAR Robotics
8289 Jupiter Dr.
Mechanicsville, VA 23116


Team 587 could definitely use a copy. Help with fund-raising is always appreciated.

Greg Young
2214 Western Park Lane
Hillsborough, NC 27278
