CORRECTED LINK - RoboZone Podcast Episode 204 - Awesome Aussie R13D with the UnqualifiedQuokkas

Video Link: - Goes Live at 6:00PM

Episode Description -

In this international episode, the UnqualifiedQuokkas stop by and tell us all about their 2024 R13D Robot concept for the Crescendo game. They tell us how they took the Crescendo game and broke down the key elements to come up with their R13D concept that can help boost teams for the Crescendo game this season. This is our very FIRST international interview of the podcast series and one you will not want to miss.

Interview Panel:
Hayley - Mentor - Team 3132 - Thunder Down Under - Team 3132 - The Blue Alliance
Luin - Mentor - Team 5985 - Project Bucephalus - Team 5985 - The Blue Alliance
Zachary - Mentor - Team 5985 - Project Bucephalus - Team 5985 - The Blue Alliance

Links Referenced in the Video:


Thank you for having us on, we had a blast!

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I have a couple follow up questions. How much testing have you done with side impacts to the intake while on the floor? How about any twisting of the shaft used for lifting the intake/shooter?

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Well we have abused the intake a whole heap. We ran it into walls, and even having a good 5-10 minute session where we were tired and just kicked the intake for fun testing purposes… Some of us even had steel caps, and the only damage we saw was a bent piece of churro (that would never actually take a hit in a match due to where it is).

The shaft of the arm hasnt had any twist that we could see, but it also hasnt had a seasons worth of wear. It is a little bent though, but thats because of the way the climbing mechanism works. The bending can be easily negated by supporting the shaft on either side of teh wheel.


Question guys and gals - The targeting you used for the 3 note auton. You used a Limelight but did you use the base image that the limelight uses or did you use somethign like PhotonVision?

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We just used the latest Limelight 2+ image, but we had to change a couple things from their documentation:

  • Standard Tab - Make sure “family” is set to “AprilTag Classic 36h11”
  • Increase resolution to 640x480 or higher

PhotonVision is awesome software too, and I’d recommend it just as highly as Limelight. We’ve barely scratched the surface of what either of those software packages can do!

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Thank you!

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This… We were stuck on this for maybe 20-30 minutes? That change will snag many people I feel.

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