Apologies if this has already been discussed; all the threads I found on this are quite old, and they’re not really valid this year.
What are some methods of counterbalancing elevators? Has anyone experimented with cf springs yet?
This may not be exactly what your looking for, but maybe something here can help you.
As part of Build Blitz VEX made an elevator design that they ended up counterbalancing with a cf spring (I believe 25lbs).
There is CAD and a video on their website: http://www.buildblitz.com/linear-elevator-is-complete/
I noticed talks of a disk break. Would grabbing onto the pulley that runs the wire through it with two pieces of metal, on each side, function in a similar manner to this? For some reason, my gut tells me no…
We hope to use the AndyMark RAW gearbox (if we can get one) which has a worm screw drive. We anticipate that the worm screw with an appropriate gear ratio will negate the need for a counter balance. Has anyone else used a worm screw to drive their elevators (this year or prior years)?