Cranberry Alarm 2025 Ri3D


Cranberry Alarm 2025

It is once again my pleasure to announce that Cranberry Alarm will be back for the 2025 Ri3D season! We’ve had so much fun and success the past two seasons, and have heard great things from you all about our work, so we’re looking to help give teams a kickstart to the season once again this year!

Last year, we partnered with FUN to bring you a live stream of the event, as well as detailed videos on our progress, which was met with great enthusiasm. This year, we’re all extremely excited to be able to work with the FUN team once again! We’ll be uploading testing, system overviews, and daily recap videos to the FUN YouTube channel, as well as live streaming our work on their YouTube live stream, so subscribe there to keep up-to-date with our progress!

In addition, we’re hoping to actually post some behind-the-scenes/bonus content kinds of things to our YouTube channel as well, so be sure to subscribe there as well!


It sounds cliché, but we really could not do this each year without the amazing support of our sponsors! Thank you to each and every one of them!




About Us

Cranberry Alarm is a small third-year Ri3D team formed of alumni and mentors in Greenwood, Indiana. Our goal is to be a resource to teams in our area and around the world, by displaying how to easily and efficiently build a competitive robot with accessible resources and materials. We want to be an inspiration for FRC teams, and to help students better succeed in their FRC careers and beyond.

Last year, we were able to build a highly competitive, but straightforward to build, robot, Flipside, being judged as the number 2 Ri3D bot in 2024 by FUN, as well as winning the 2024 Kettering Ri3D event. (Shoutout to our partners there, @BigSkyRobotics!) We have over 35 years of combined FRC experience, including 11+ years of Ri3D experience from various teams.

We are hosted by 1741 - Red Alert Robotics, with the support of the Red Alert Robotics Parent Organization and Red Alert mentors.

If you're in the Indianapolis, IN area during Ri3D, feel free to send me a DM; we'd love for you to stop by and say hi! We're hoping to have some special guests in the shop during the event, so be on the lookout for familiar faces!

We're all super excited to see what challenges this year's game brings!

Quick Links

CAD on Onshape:

Code on GitHub:

Tech Binder:
(link to come)


Cranberry Alarm Live stream schedule. You’ll find the live stream each day at

All times are US Eastern. Come and say hi and ask questions any time during the stream. Plus we’ll have giveaways during our daily recaps/live Q&A sessions.

Explainer videos will be posted to

1:30pm start
8:00pm FRC Round Up Show: Breaking down REEFSCAPE Strategies with guest: @Brandon_Holley
9:00pm Ri3D Daily Recap/Q&A

9:00am Start
9:00pm Ri3D Daily Recap/Q&A

9:00am Start
9:00pm Ri3D Daily Recap/Q&A

9:00am Start
12:00pm Robot Reveal/Overview with Q&A


Stream is live starting out with rules/strategy and game piece interaction with official elements

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Demo video: REEFSCAPE Algae vs. Drivetrain Interaction |

Next up: CA strategy video.

2 Likes | Reis provides a breakdown of Cranberry Alarms Scoring, Strategy and Objectives for the 2025 REEFSCAPE game including priorities for CA Ri3D.

4 Likes | Cory from Cranberry Alarm Ri3D demonstrates picking up and interacting with the REEFSCAPE Algae game piece utilizing different intake wheels and stars from AndyMark and The Thrifty Bot


1 Like | Reis demonstrates dropping Coral through the Coral Station into a prototype at different angles, heights and velocities during the Cranberry Alarm Robot in 3 Days Ri3D for the REEFSCAPE FRC game.


Catch our Robot Strategy breakdown show with @Brandon_Holley from FRC 125 at 8:00pm eastern
and at 9:00pmeastern:Ri3D Saturday Recap and Live Q&A .

Giveaways from AndyMark and The Thrifty Bot during the shows!

Live stream:


About to start our REEFSCAPE Strategy Breakdown show

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Day 1 Recap for Ri3D Cranberry Alarm is starting soon with a giveaway from The Thrifty Bot! Come on to see prototypes, progress and ask questions to the Ri3D team!

1 Like | Catch the Day 1 Robot in 3 Days Recap with Cranberry Alarm for the REEFSCAPE FRC game. Lot’s of demos and Q&A including current progress on Algae and Coral interactions and climber concepts.


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Sunday’s stream is now live! Catch Cranberry Alarm all day on their progress and the Ri3D Recap/Live Q&A at 9pm eastern at

2 Likes | Cory from Cranberry Alarm Ri3D showcases a passive Coral delivery prototype created for the REEFSCAPE FRC game. Interactions with Coral onto the Reef at multiple angles, distances and levels along with demonstrating how coral rolls off of the Coral Station.


6 Likes | Reis and the Cranberry Alarm team showcase prototypes and field element interactions of ‘De-Algaeifying’ the Reef utilizing AndyMark compliant wheels.


4 Likes | Cranberry Alarm Robot in 3 Days shows their progress with a great multi-level coral scoring prototype mechanism. Able to score on all levels from a 15 degree angle using AndyMark compliant wheels this could be very promising for teams looking at scoring on reef.


4 Likes | Reis breaks provides a demo and explanation of Cranberry Alarm Ri3D Crayola CAD/Superstructure,how their REEFSCAPE robot interacts with field elements and future plans.



Ri3D Day 2 is going strong! Come watch the stream anytime at

Live on stream:
We’re going to have a REEFSCAPE Rules Kahoot with a prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place including a prize from The Thrifty Bot at 8:15pm eastern
Ri3D Day 2 Recap/Live Q&A at 9pm eastern with a giveaway from AndyMark!

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where can one find the configurable thrifty elevator you guys are using in cad? I have the regular elevator cad but not the configurable version

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The configurable one is linked on this page:

It’s the “OnShape CAD Link”:

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oh ok, so do I have to use the variable table for it? sorry I thought it was configurable like mkcad stuff

1 Like | Cory from Cranberry Alarm Ri3D details the two stage elevator assembly from The Thrifty Bot along with chassis and motors from AndyMark and how it could interact with Algae, Coral and Reef for the REEFSCAPE game.
