cRio and code dont work!

I have read several threads but i am still confuse:confused: , i have done all the updates,reimage the cRio and download a program “the tank drive example” and when it downloads we get the massage that we have a code but the light on the jaguars are still blinking after we enable the robot and when we move the joysticks nothing happend. We are using the croosover cable and everything on the drive station shows that we have the joystics and the E-button conected.

Can any one help me

Thank you

We’re having the EXACT same problem! We tried a joystick input example also and cannot even get a read out for that. Can anyone please help?:confused:

  1. What PWM’s have you plugged your jaguars into?
  2. Have you checked the example to confirm they are the right ones?
  3. Have you added indicators to the output in labview to check to see if your joysticks are sending the correct values? (Right click on the wire in the block diagram and click “add -> indicator”.
  4. Are the lights on your diagnostic tab on your driver station showing everything is good?
  5. Are you getting an error code in the diagnostic window?
  6. What IP address is the programming computer set to? The C-rio? The Classmate Driver Station?
  7. What lights are showing on the digital side car? Does it have power?
  8. Is the dashboard showing your PWM values change with the joystick?

We need far more information to even begin to help.

Yeah - we have the exact same problem too. We can’t get any readout from the joystick using the joystick input example. We’ve tried all the USB ports (both physically & selecting USB1-USB4). We have update the cRio/Labview/Driver Station SW. The IP address for the example is correct. We’ve tried 3 different types of joysticks. Tried on 2 separate computers (the new laptop & a standard PC).

When we run the driver station code it sees the joysticks and acknowledges button pushes.

We didn’t have this problem last year.

One thing I thought of after the fact - we didn’t have our digital side-car connected to the digital module at the time. I don’t think this is a problem because we were just trying to get feedback from the joystick and not drive any motors - but who knows.


  • Jeff

We are having the same issue. . .

Tried with Windriver C++ Firmware image and then Simple Robot Default Code
Tried with Labview Firmware Image and then Default CRio Code
Both v19

Classmate Driver Station is updated

Left Drive Jag is plugged into PWM 1
Right Drive Jag is plugged into PWM 2

Joystick (which is a gamepad) set as Joystick 1 on Driver Station

Outputted joystick results to Driver Station User Messages using C++ and got good values

Green for Communications, Robot code, and E-stop on the Classmate driver Station

Programming Computer
Classmate Driver Station
C-Rio (v19)

all of the lights on the digital side car are green on. The RSL light indicator goes from flashing to a more solid state when enabled

Replaced the Module for the C-Rio Tried both slot 4 (which is default) and slot 6
Replaced the Digital Side Car with a spare

Anyone have an idea?? If other people in this thread come up with a solution please post it because it seems like our problems are related. I was planning on calling NI on Monday for Troubleshooting

You may want to try setting an output on slot eight solenoid. The module has LEDs to indicate state, and it is good for determining if it is a SW watchdog or a wiring issue.

If an example doesn’t turn on the LED, it is either a configuration issue with the SW or a watchdog issue. The diagnostics tab will list error codes and messages showing watchdog transitions.

If the LED does work, then the problem is most likely with wiring to or from the digital breakout boards.

Greg McKaskle

We did hook up the solenoid in slot 8 and it is switching output 1 fine using button 2 on joystick.
I will triple check wiring tomorrow but don’t think that is an issue with right lights on the Digital Side Car

If it is switching the output light on the solenoid bumper, that means your joystick is working and your code is working (at least for the button push).

You can set up a simple case statement to set the motor speed to 0 or 1, and then watch the lights on the jags.

IF your jags are blinking however when everything is turned on, they are telling you they aren’t receiving any signal at all. They should have a solid light if they are getting a signal. If they are blinking, your problem is somewhere in the pwm wiring, the digital sidecar, or the digital bumper.

Note - even without any button pushes your jags should not be blinking if they are plugged in correctly and are getting a signal from the sidecar.

Jaguars will also blink if the PWM it’s plugged into was not Opened properly in the code, but that shouldn’t be the case with the example code. It’d only be a problem if you’d switched the PWM inadvertently.

Ok today we fix our problem what we did was unplug everything from the cRio every pwm cable and plug every thing back making sure that the pwm cables were set on the right direction them we run the program using the tank example and it was like magic it work.

So you might want to look at all you wires and hopefully it would work

gool luck guys and thanks for your answers.

We are having the exact same problem. We updated all of the software and successfully reimaged the cRio (I am fairly certain); plus we see the LEDs on module 8 light up when we use the joystick, however, our speed controller is still blinking. So, I guess we will try the magic trick that tanguma26 suggested. Does anyone else have any other suggestions? Thanks.

If you’re using a Victor speed controller, it takes some practice and experience to know when the PWM connector is seated properly. Be prepared to have to fiddle with it for a while.

Oh yes, those things can be a pain sometimes.
And once you mess it up, it’ll always be an issue.

Glad to see that we’re not the only one’s having this. We took yesterday off and are back to work today. We’re going to try everything and maybe we’ll get lucky…will post when we’re done…

Thanks guys!

Our team had experienced this problem as well, and we checked our wiring and all, however it didnt seem to be the issue.

I had jus come home from watching Shirlock Homes and decided to check the most absurd thing possible. And as I suspected one of the pins in the cRIO’s slot 4 had been damaged and thus no signal was sent to the sidecar and in turn the victors. Changing our cRIO fixed the issue and now we are good to break other things…

I recommend that someone check the pins on the cRIO.

Thank you all for your support!

We are actually using Jaguar speed controllers. Are there any magic tricks for these? :wink:

Also, we will check out the pins on our modules as well. Thanks for all of the great ideas.

Is your emergency stop button plugged into your PC? Nothing will run if it’s not. There is a way to bypass the stop button also.

Oops, you already said you did that. Sorry.

Yup, emergency stop is plugged in, as are two joysticks. Also, we can see activity on module 8 when we use the joysticks. I think we will just have to make sure the cables are in good condition and check the digital sidecard. Thanks again for your help.