We have hooked up everything, and we did a Ethernet connection from the cRIO to the laptop. When we go to the the FRC driver station and press enable, the words “No Robot Communication” flash red.
Any help at all is appreciated.
We have hooked up everything, and we did a Ethernet connection from the cRIO to the laptop. When we go to the the FRC driver station and press enable, the words “No Robot Communication” flash red.
Any help at all is appreciated.
When you connected the cRio to the Laptop did you use a crossover cable?
Did you load the v19 image onto the cRIO, setting your team’s number correctly in the process?
Have you set your team number correctly on the Driver Station?
We have gotten similar errors(ERR 56 and ERR 63).
Yes, we are using the cross over cable. Yes, we have set up the cRIO and everything else up right. we can run our code wirelessly and tethered and all, but we cant seem to get camera input. We have set up the Camera using the setup axis camera tool and we are able to get a live feed from the web browser, but not on the dashboard. And yes, our user/pass for the camera is “FRC”/“FRC”.
Hopefully I covered any redundant questions. Overall, We have followed all of the setup guides, and set up everything the way it should. I forgot to check the driver station’s diagnostic tab while i was testing the camera, so i did not see what the errors meant, but I will find out next week(midterms this week).
There is a problem with the driver station update - do you see a camera window to the left of a dial indicator and below two arrows and a cricle and the dashboard?
If not, your driverstation and dashboard did not update correctly. Rerun the update from the developer screen and uninstall it, then run in it once more and reinstall it.
we have a similar problem. everything is connected, but we cant communicate with the robot. its really weird because in the developer we can go and view our gaming adaptor and our router wirelessly, but we cant use the driver station wirelessly. everything works fine when were teathered though so im pretty sure the problem has something to do with the router…
actually, you may be right, you (from our experiances) CANNOT connect the classmate to the router via WiFi and the robot via WiFi. There are two reasons for this, one, the Linksys router does not bridge the wirelss N conection (robot) and teh wireless G conection (Classmate). The oter is that, if you connect the robot to the router over wireless G, and same with the classmate, the driver station program is set to use the LAN port on teh classmate, and cannot be used with the wifi connection. I do not know how to change this. However, if you use anoter laptop and load the driver station program onto it, you can have the robot connected via wireless G and the laptop connected via wireless G, creating a completly wireless comm system
We can, do, and it works fine