I’ve been having trouble downloading programs to the Crio II lately. When I try to download the program in labview to the Crio it just says that it can’t connect to the Crio even though were still able to connect to the robot from the driver station and I’ve found that I can only download a program to it after I’ve redownloaded the firmware, which is extremely slow. Also I’ve never had this problem with our old 8-slot Crio. So is there something else I’m supposed to do when downloading the firmware? Or is it something else entirely?
Any help appreciated!
How are you connected to the cRIO? The most stable, least problem prone method is a wired connection from your laptop to a port on the bridge, and have the wireless on your laptop turned off. Also, you probably want to disable windows firewall.
I’ve tried both wireless and wired but I’ve never had any problems with the type of connection and even when i couldn’t download the program I could still connect to the robot and e=use an old program on the Crio.
You don’t mention what language you are using. The DS determines the IP address from the team number entered on the Setup page. The programming environments need to know the IP as well. If it is LV, it is set on the properties for the target and shown next to the target type/name.
Greg McKaskle
I’m using labview and i put for the programs target
Are you using WindRiver? I just had this problem, and it was a fresh install so I didn’t set the FRC Downloader to work with the robot yet. Under Window -> Preference, under FRC Downloader, set your team number, and as long as your IP Address is 10.te.am.(and anything over 10 for the last part) (te.am means the IP address for your team robot) it should communicate. If you aren’t using WindRiver then my apologies.
How do you download the LV SW and what does it do? What dialogs or messages?
Greg McKaskle
I go to frc boot up deployment then build and deploy but I get the error message: failed to connect to real time target, but I know i’m downloading the program right because it works after I image the Crio for labview again but it only works once.
For normal development, I’d suggest opening the RobotMain and pushing the run button.
If your code is complete and you don’t need any debugging features, go to the popup on the build specification, build, and then Run As Startup.
Perhaps what is happening is that you are deploying the app and you didn’t choose to make the startup application always run when you imaged it.
It is possible to have an app on the cRIO but not have it set as startup, and that is actually what deploy does. The special FRC imaging option will launch it anyway. The better way to do this is to image it with the checkbox set and Run as Startup.
Greg McKaskle
I will try running from the robot main vi tomorrow but I always make sure to hit the run at start up button.