cRio Module Slots

Our cRio modules are plugged in as follows
Slot 5 Analog
Slot 6 Digital
Slot 7 Solenoid

Currently our Safety light, and battery voltage are not working. Is there anyway to configure the cRio for this non default configuration? Furthermore is the setup above even legal?

Thanks for the help. We can’t put our modules in the default positions because of mechanical restrictions.

Your set up is not legal, see R70A

A. National Instruments 9201 analog module must be installed in slot 1 of the cRIO.

Not legal.
The rules call for an Analog in Slot 1 and a Digital in slot 2.
That’s where the battery voltage is read from and the RSL is sent.

Thank you, we appreciate the speed of your replies. We’ll be changing this shortly.