Crio without Computer Connection?

Is there a way to run the crio and have it send outputs without having to have it connected to a computer to enable it? I have looked through the labview code for FRC and cannot find anything that would restrict the output when the robot is in a disabled state. I have also tried creating a regular labview real-time project, but when i deploy it to the target, it does not output to any of the devices until i hit enable on the drivers station. This was after writing everywhere in the code that i could find a reference for that i set to “Teleop Enabled”.

I know this may seem as a weird question, but with 4 crios (soon to be more with the new Roborios coming out) already in the shop, we would like to be able to start making some promotional robots without dedicating a computer to their functionality.

You can do this to the old IFI controllers, unfortunately we don’t have the program nor knowledge to reprogram those anymore.

You won’t find it in the user code. The output disable is handled by the FPGA. By design, there is supposed to be no way to command the solenoids, relays, or PWM outputs to be active without the robot program receiving packets from a Driver Station.

(It ought to be possible to run a small program on the cRIO that provides simulated DS communication. Doing that might be an interesting project for someone with both the time and expertise.)