I am looking to learn CSS coding this summer. For those of you who know CSS, would you be able to point me in the right direction? Perferably what worked best for you. Even if it’s a book.
Also: I need to learn how to use CSS for layouts.
I am looking to learn CSS coding this summer. For those of you who know CSS, would you be able to point me in the right direction? Perferably what worked best for you. Even if it’s a book.
Also: I need to learn how to use CSS for layouts.
I got this one from my CSE class, it works for me!!!
The site HTML Dog is where I learned CSS.
A few good sites that have always helped me for a quick reference, or some tricks/tips are these:
(These should all pop up somewhere In the first page of a google search)
Also, if you see a site that looks good to you, just look at their CSS. If you do a “View Source” you will usually find a line of code that says
<link href="**[FILENAME]**.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
And go to wherever the file is. (usually in the same directory)
Anything within those sheets will usually give you a few ideas as to how to get something done. That is one thing that is cool about CSS it is pretty straightforward (ie. Background, color, font-family, etc…)
For beginners, the best way to learn CSS to use a program like CSS Edit.
Although not a conventional tutorial, ABS made a “live design” thing a while back that goes through step-by-step how his website got its look (all in CSS).
I have heard that that CSS is also used for layouts… Do these sites explain this?
An additional tool, if you use Firefox, is a nice plugin called Firebug that can show you a site’s css, and a whole lot more. You can even disable parts and see what happens. I used it a lot while I was first learning, and I use it now for debugging my webpages.
a better tool would be the webdeveloper toolbar which allows you to edit any site’s css in real-time. this way you can really get a feel for the different attributes.
you will find css to be most useful