Is the “roboRIO configured for the team number” via the roboRIO Imaging Tool configuration? Or is there a separate configuration to set the CTRE team number?
Also, how does the authentication process work now? If the license is now for the whole roboRIO instead of individual Falcons I’d imagine that simplifies the process a fair bit
Jokes aside, this is a great change. I’m curious how authentication works but assuming it’s reliable, this is a great deal for teams in the CTRE ecosystem.
Yep! No extra team-specific configuration is required beyond what you normally do to set up your control system.
Unfortunately we still don’t have a good way to hardware-license an entire roboRIO - the licenses do still need to be activated per-device, but now you only need a single license purchase for the season to allow the activations.
Want to make sure I’m understanding correctly. If we have a competition robot and a practice robot that we may want to run at the same time (so 2 team numbers), is this two (2) season passes – one for each team number – or can the practice robot utilize one of the demo numbers (9970 - 9999) so we would need 1 season pass as it would support both our team number and a demo number at the same time?
In this scenario (a comp robot and a practice robot running at the same time) you would only need one season pass, assigned to your regular team number.
Devices licensed from that season pass would work with both the regular robot and the robot utilizing one of the demo numbers.
It would be great if we could upgrade our Post Championships $100 license purchase to a 2024 Season Pass (which comes with 2023 retro licenses anyway). Happy to send CTR the $50.