[CTRE] Phoenix Pro Licensing: Announcing Season Pass

Just to clarify, once a device is activated with a season pass license, it can only be used on that team’s robot?
Is there any way to remove a license from a device? (ie. to use another team’s motor at a competition)

There’s no way to remove a license from a device, but it’s also not necessary to do so with Season Pass.

To clarify: applying a season pass license to a device means that the just-applied license only activates Pro for that team, but it does not restrict using additional licenses.

An example:

Team A licenses a device with season pass. That device will be Pro-enabled when used with Team A’s robot, but can be used with non-Pro features on any other robot.

Team A lends/gives the device to Team B. Team B can use the device with non-Pro features, OR they can apply their own license to the device to use Pro features on their robot.

At this point the device has two licenses on it, one for Team A and one for Team B. It could be used with either robot with Pro features or any other robot with non-Pro features.

I’m not sure if this is something we can do or not - the current bonus licenses (that should be going out today or tomorrow) for post-champs purchases are 1:1, ie if you bought 2023 CANivore you’ll get free 2024 CANivore licenses. We may not have a good mechanism in place to do an upgrade.

That said, @rakar please send an email to our support ([email protected]) and we can get a more definitive answer for you and see what we can work out.


is there anyway reason that when you apply a license it can’t apply ALL teams that have a season pass at that time to the falcon so it works with any team that has season pass since its based on team number. would allow season pass teams to help each other at events and trade motors or aid with licence issues much easier.

Frankly the season pass is so cheap that any team at comps that’s using Phoenix Pro will probably already be using it anyway. I think it would be enough to carry around a couple of floating licenses if it comes to that. It’s definitely better than it was before, where you’d need to cart around several licenses if a CANivore failed.

Also don’t need to use a CANivore on the robot to efficiently manage Phoenix Pro licensing, which is nice.

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We bought the season pass and set the team number in the tuner.
But when I activate the season pass on my motor it says it’s not pro licenses (the motor is running on a Rio with the correct team number)
I also noticed I got 20 pro 2023 licenses so for now I use them, but does this mean we only get 20 licenses?

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Awesome! Thank you for being one of the early adopters.

This is because the season pass will only work with 2024 firmware and software. Once 2024 Phoenix is released, if you update the motor you just licensed to 2024 firmware it will then show up as licensed.

Correct - the reason we provided free 2023 licenses with the Season Pass purchase was so you can use the those right away with the public 2023 Phoenix software for testing and development.

For the free 2023 licenses that’s correct.
The 2024 season pass itself has a 60-seat limit (and you can contact us if you need additional seats).

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How would the transition to and from a Licensed v6 firmware and a standard v5 firmware work? Do we have to re-activate the license if we go back to v6? Are there any restrictions to going back to v5?

You can freely switch between v5 and v6 firmware without affecting licenses. Once you license a device it’s remembered persistently in a way that’s unaffected by switching between firmware versions.
v5 firmware is also unaffected if the device happens to be licensed for Pro.

So you can license a device with v6 firmware, switch back and forth between v5 and v6 any number of times, then switch back to v6 firmware and the device will still be licensed.

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An update for any other folks who purchased 2023 CANivore licenses after the season ended - we are adjusting the bonus license! Instead of receiving a free set of 2024 CANivore licenses, you will instead receive a free 2024 Phoenix Pro Season Pass.

This is our thank-you for being an early adopter of Phoenix Pro, and we hope this helps with your software transition into the 2024 season.
If you’re one of these purchasers please watch your email for information being sent this afternoon.

Testing Pro

We’ve also had a couple inquiries about being able to test out Phoenix Pro - we’ve updated the blog post to reflect that we will be running beta testing again this year.

If you’re interested in testing please reach out to us after the beta starts. We will be able to provide free beta-only licenses as long as we’re still in need of testers.


We used Tuner X Swerve Code Generator to create our drive code.

We are getting this message when we launch code:

We are using Mk4i, with Falcons for Steer and Kraken’s for drive.

We do have a season pass and have applied the license to all CTRE products on the robot.

We did apply the license to the devices after generating the code.

Does anyone know why we are getting these warnings about unlicensed devices.

The robot is driving but just would like to get rid of these warnings.

Do your devices show up as Pro-licensed in Tuner X? If not, and you’re using a roboRIO 2, make sure you configured the team number of the roboRIO.

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They do show up with LIC on all devices.

As mentioned in our documentation, if devices show up as LIC and not as PRO, then they are not Pro-licensed. Make sure your team number is correct on the roboRIO.

Might be a stupid question but how to you make sure our team number is configured on the RIO correctly?

Is that found in the web interface for the RIO?

You can use the roboRIO Imaging Tool or the WPILib roboRIO team number setter tool.

It’s a RIO 2, which I believe can’t use the imaging tool to format. I remember last season belna etcher was required to flash the image. Is that no longer true?

You should use the team number setter tool that gets installed with the WPILib installer.

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what i did a couple days ago was use balena to flash the image, then use the imaging tool to set our team number. worked fine for me. feel free to ask questions and i’ll try to remember exactly what i did

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You only half remembered correctly, as others pointed out. As always, follow the docs Imaging your roboRIO 2 — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation