Hello my teacher just called me a bad driver on the swerve. However, I found out that my robot operates robot centric instead of field centric. here is the code where I call for it to be field centric.
private final SwerveRequest.FieldCentric drive = new SwerveRequest.FieldCentric()
.withDeadband(MaxSpeed * 0.1).withRotationalDeadband(MaxAngularRate * 0.1) // Add a 10% deadband
.withDriveRequestType(DriveRequestType.OpenLoopVoltage); // I want field-centric
// driving in open loop
I see potential issues outside of this as the pigeon 2 isn’t in the same CANivore FD Bus. Also with changing the kCANBus constant within the code to “Swerve”, it says that im using licensed features with unlicensed products.