What is kCoupleRatio? The comment states “Every 1 rotation of the azimuth results in kCoupleRatio drive motor turns” . Does that mean if we are rotating in place with the modules at +/- 45 degrees how many drive motor rotations to make the robot do a full 360 degrees?
The steer motors use open loop voltage control. Can we change that to motion magic by changing steerClosedLoopOutput to motion magic and specifying the motion magic constants in the setup?
Is the template posted on github similar to what we would get from the Tuner X generator? We haven’t had a chance to use the Tuner X generator - we plan to try it next week.
Thanks for any input. There’s certainly a lot of awesome changes to process this year!
Keep in mind I am very much a noob whose only credential really with swerve is having built a LEGO swerve module and having glanced at some swerve CAD, but I believe that when you change a coaxial swerve’s heading, its main drive wheel turns too. It’d make some sense to me if kCoupleRatio is related to that.
This is correct. The Couple ratio is the amount that the wheel turns per rotation of the module’s heading. This is because on a coaxial module the drive and turning gears are mechanically linked, so when the module turns, the drive gears turn in reference to it by some amount.
I’m currently working on converting the CTRE TunerConstants generated file to be compatible with Advantagekit swerve, but I am yet to find an equivalent on of couple ratio. Any ideas?
I could be wrong on this, but I believe any swerve base using the WPILib Swerve kinematics has it baked into the internal math of the swerve kinematics class. I’ll double check this as soon as I get a chance to look at the code again.